2018 Memberships are now available for the Vietnam Swans. With a full tour schedule of games, get in early! There’s plenty of opportunities to train and play with a great group of guys and girls from February through to November.

Membershi VIep

Men’s Playing Memberships

2 million VND for the season, which includes:

  • Playing guernsey and shorts
  • Reversible training top
  • ALL Wednesday and Saturday trainings now covered within the membership fee
  • Membership  card and benefits

Women’s Playing Memberships (Full year)

1.7 million VND for the season, which includes:

  • Reversible Training Top
  • Gameday Shorts, socks…
  • ALL Wednesday and Saturday trainings covered,

 Women’s Half Year  Playing Membership

1 million VND includes all of the above.

Non-Playing Membership:

1.5 million VND for the season, which includes:

  • Reversible training top
  • Membership card and benefits
  • ALL Wednesday and Saturday trainings covered, in case you want to come for a run!

Vietnamese Local Development Playing Memberships

500k VND for the season, which includes:

  • Playing guernsey and shorts
  • Reversible training top
  • ALL Wednesday and Saturday trainings now covered within the membership fee
  • Membership  card and benefits
2018 Official training reversible singlets featuring our Major and Signature sponsors!

2018 Official training reversible singlets featuring our Major and Signature sponsors!



Contact nationalpresident@vietnamswans.com  to arrange payment in your city, or send a message on Facebook.