First photos of Kainey Cup emerge
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 9, 2009
The Friday night Jim Beam raffle at last month's Kainey Cup
The first photos from the recent Kainey Cup against the Jakarta Bintangs have finally emerged from the the Stalinesque-like Hanoi.
The grainy photos – believed to be from a mobile phone’s camera – show Mick Francis as MC at the huge and mega Jim Beam raffle on the Friday night before last month’s Kainey Cup in Hanoi. There is also a photo of Dave Kainey himself after winning a bottle of Jim Beam – and a Jim Beam t shirt.
The Swans Blog had expected to be inundated with an avalanche of photos from the weekend. Key people flashing included the Hanoi President, Potsy and Dan Hopkins’ girlfriend. Despite the promises, there’s been nothing but tears with not a single photo being delivered – until last night’s exchange of the grainy photos under the cover of darkness…
Suppression and secrecy... Hopkins' and Potsy's tactics are being compared with Stalinist, Mr Kim
willy said
finally the truth is out there!!
i’ve been say’n it for years.
postsy, crazy kim jong il part II, and even crazier young dan are all brothers and in it together..
call in the UN i reckon, or better still have obama say somethin’ really nasty to them like:
‘boys, now if you don’t hand me the photos, i’m gonna maybe take ya bia away!!’ that should at least sort of scare one of em.
go you swannies!!
willy said
when i come to think of it, do they all go to the same hairdresser?
anyone know the address, i think it might be on kim jong ma..