Thursday evening is our chance to show the Kiwis our support.
National President, Phil Johns, provides an update on next week’s fundraiser for the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.
Dear Swannies and Friends
Last month, it was Australia’s turn with the Queensland floods. Today, 145 are confirmed dead and another 200 are still missing after Tuesday’s horrific earthquake in Christchurch.
The NZ Chamber of Commerce is organising the following fundraisers in Saigon:
- Thursday 3 March, 6.30-8.30pm, Saigon Saigon Bar, Caravelle Hotel. Price 300,000VND and discount drinks. Auctions, raffles, donations.
- Saturday 5 March, New Zealand Wine and Food Festival, collection buckets, raffles and auctions
- Monday, 21 March, Sports Charity Dinner (details to be confirmed).
If you would like to donate a raffle prize / auction item, please contact John Gardner, the General Manager of the Caravelle Hotel (ph 38234999). Alternatively, you may contact either Derrin or myself to pass on your details.
Swannies, we know first hand the difference these events make for the people back home – and for those within our community over here who are grieving. Now is not the time to be suffering from compassion fatigue. Now is the time for us to act in support of the NZ Chamber’s fundraising initiatives. In two months time, when we observe the minute’s silence at our Australia New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) Friendship Match, we will know that we did something for the New Zealanders when it mattered.
- Please see the post below on this website, which contains the email from Warrick Cleine, Chairman of the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce regarding the fundraisers.
- Immediately below, please see comments received from people connected with the Swans. Those comments make us realise how important it is to support the Kiwis on Thursday.
Again, please contact John Gardner for raffle prizes. And please come along next Thursday evening from 6.30-8.30pm at the Caravelle Hotel with as many people as you can.
The physical destruction and force of the earthquake.
Comments received by the Swannies:
- Heather Riddell, NZ Ambassador to Vietnam – I don’t think anyone can yet come to terms with the enormity of what has happened and I would like to thank you and the Vietnam Swans so much for your words of sympathy and solidarity. We appreciate very much your sentiments and offer of future support.
- Graham Sims, NZ Consul General to Vietnam – People in NZ are devastated with scenes of destruction from the beautiful city of Christchurch. The entire downtown area will need to be rebuilt. Our son working in Christchurch received minor injuries and was lucky not to be walking back from lunch at that time. Thank you for your concern and for your offer of help. The Australian rescue teams are doing a wonderful job.
- Andrew, Melbourne – (Swannies), your words were spot on. As a former resident of Christchurch it is much appreciated on my behalf.
- Kiwi Resident in Vietnam - Thanks so much for your message. Yes we do have family in Christchurch but luckily they are safe and sound.
- Kiwi Resident in Vietnam – Thank you.
- Roger, USA – Yes bad news, but as always the Swans look like they are on top of this and hope you get a lot of support.
- Sandra, Christchurch – Thanks for thinking of us and your kind words. The majority of our family is in Christchurch. We are very lucky and all are safe. Their houses have varying degrees of damage. One of our aunts now has the Avon river flowing through her front room, mind you she always wanted a river view. And another was very lucky and only lost some china. I know I am very relieved that they are all okay. The heartache has been very hard and I know my mum and sisters have worried a lot for our family and friends, feeling helpless that there is so little we can do for them.
- Kiwi Resident in Vietnam - I’m home in Christchurch now. Family fine. House in a very poor state, expect a full rebuild but no time soon. Appreciate your kind wishes.
- Kiwi Resident in Vietnam – Thank you for what the Vietnam Swans (have done).
- Kiwi Resident in Vietnam temporarily back in Christchurch – We are all ok, just tired from lack of sleep. Water is now back on and had power on not long after. Still loads of after shocks which make it hard to sleep. The area where our house is is very badly hit but our house is ok, very minor damage. The area around us is a mess, roads buckled, pipes broken, liquefaction, collapsed walls etc.
- Joy, Christchurch – I happened to be away in Auckland and now home with the family. They are all OK. The house is OK. Material things damaged but they are fine so nothing else matters.