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Archive for February, 2011

Details of NZ fundraiser from Swannies’ President

Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 27, 2011

Thursday evening is our chance to show the Kiwis our support.

National President, Phil Johns, provides an update on next week’s fundraiser for the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.

Dear Swannies and Friends

Last month, it was Australia’s turn with the Queensland floods. Today, 145 are confirmed dead and another 200 are still missing after Tuesday’s horrific earthquake in Christchurch.

The NZ Chamber of Commerce is organising the following fundraisers in Saigon:

  • Thursday 3 March, 6.30-8.30pm, Saigon Saigon Bar, Caravelle Hotel. Price 300,000VND and discount drinks. Auctions, raffles, donations.
  • Saturday 5 March, New Zealand Wine and Food Festival, collection buckets, raffles and auctions
  • Monday, 21 March, Sports Charity Dinner (details to be confirmed).

If you would like to donate a raffle prize / auction item, please contact John Gardner, the General Manager of the Caravelle Hotel (ph 38234999). Alternatively, you may contact either Derrin or myself to pass on your details.

Swannies, we know first hand the difference these events make for the people back home – and for those within our community over here who are grieving. Now is not the time to be suffering from compassion fatigue. Now is the time for us to act in support of the NZ Chamber’s fundraising initiatives. In two months time, when we observe the minute’s silence at our Australia New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) Friendship Match, we will know that we did something for the New Zealanders when it mattered.

  • Please see the post below on this website, which contains the email from Warrick Cleine, Chairman of the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce regarding the fundraisers.
  • Immediately below, please see comments received from people connected with the Swans. Those comments make us realise how important it is to support the Kiwis on Thursday.

Again, please contact John Gardner for raffle prizes. And please come along next Thursday evening from 6.30-8.30pm at the Caravelle Hotel with as many people as you can.

The physical destruction and force of the earthquake.

    Comments received by the Swannies:

    • Heather Riddell, NZ Ambassador to Vietnam – I don’t think anyone can yet come to terms with the enormity of what has happened and I would like to thank you and the Vietnam Swans so much for your words of sympathy and solidarity.   We appreciate very much your sentiments and offer of future support.
    • Graham Sims, NZ Consul General to Vietnam – People in NZ are devastated with scenes of destruction from the beautiful city of Christchurch. The entire downtown area will need to be rebuilt. Our son working in Christchurch received minor injuries and was lucky not to be walking back from lunch at that time. Thank you for your concern and for your offer of help. The Australian rescue teams are doing a wonderful job.
    • Andrew, Melbourne – (Swannies), your words were spot on. As a former resident of Christchurch it is much appreciated on my behalf.
    • Kiwi Resident in Vietnam - Thanks so much for your message. Yes we do have family in Christchurch but luckily they are safe and sound.
    • Kiwi Resident in Vietnam – Thank you.
    • Roger, USA – Yes bad news, but as always the Swans look like they are on top of this and hope you get a lot of support.
    • Sandra, Christchurch – Thanks for thinking of us and your kind words.  The majority of our family is in Christchurch. We are very lucky and all are safe. Their houses have varying degrees of damage. One of our aunts now has the Avon river flowing through her front room, mind you she always wanted a river view. And another was very lucky and only lost some china. I know I am very relieved that they are all okay. The heartache has been very hard and I know my mum and sisters have worried a lot for our family and friends, feeling helpless that there is so little we can do for them.
    • Kiwi Resident in Vietnam - I’m home in Christchurch now. Family fine. House in a very poor state, expect a full rebuild but no time soon. Appreciate your kind wishes.
    • Kiwi Resident in Vietnam – Thank you for what the Vietnam Swans (have done).
    • Kiwi Resident in Vietnam temporarily back in Christchurch – We are all ok, just tired from lack of sleep. Water is now back on and had power on not long after. Still loads of after shocks which make it hard to sleep. The area where our house is is very badly hit but our house is ok, very minor damage. The area around us is a mess, roads buckled, pipes broken, liquefaction, collapsed walls etc.
    • Joy, Christchurch – I happened to be away in Auckland and now home with the family. They are all OK. The house is OK. Material things damaged but they are fine so nothing else matters.

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    NZ Chamber of Commerce announces details of fundraiser

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 26, 2011

    It's time to make a difference.

    Warrick Cleine, the Chairman of the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, announces details of the upcoming fundraiser in Saigon for the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.

    Dear fellow Kiwis and friends of New Zealand,

    This week, New Zealand has experienced its worst ever natural disaster, with the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake. The enormous loss of hundreds of lives, is tragic enough. In addition, several thousand homes in and around our second largest city have been deemed uninhabitable. The widespread devastation has made what was once the iconic garden city of Christchurch, and gateway to our beautiful South Island, desperately in need of our enormous financial assistance. One preliminary estimate has put the material cost of this devastation at some NZ$16 billion (US$12 billion).

    We all have some type of connection to Christchurch, whether we grew up there, have family or friends there, possibly spent time at university there, or even just had an enjoyable holiday passing through there. We know the great people of Christchurch and New Zealand will recover from this. It will be a test of our character, and of our nationhood to ensure this occurs. It will and must occur. We can rebuild Christchurch, but our resolve must be strong.

    It is important that we do our bit and show the people of Christchurch, the financial and moral support of the community within Vietnam.

    The New Zealand Chamber Of Commerce in Vietnam is in the process of organising various fundraising initiatives to assist our brothers and sisters in Christchurch.

    There have been widespread offers of support and assistance from within the New Zealand community in Vietnam, as well as from our global neighbours.

    In the true spirit of ANZAC, our transtasman cousins at the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam were the first to reach out to us to offer their assistance. Other chambers and organisations have also followed with offers of assistance.

    We are most grateful for all offers of support.

    The purpose of this email is to give you a “heads up” that the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce is organising its first major fundraising event for the Vietnam Christchurch Earthquake Appeal for next Thursday, 3 March, 2011, between 630pm and 830pm, at Saigon Saigon Bar, at the top of the Caravelle Hotel, and you are invited to attend, and to bring along as many friends as possible. The cost of entry will be VND300,000/person, with selected drinks at a discounted rate. The Caravelle Hotel has kindly agreed to donate all proceeds from such drink sales to the Vietnam Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. There will also be a live auction, and a raffle, as well as donation buckets. Please remember to “save the date” in your diaries now.

    We are currently, and desperately, seeking items to be donated for the raffle and auction for next Thursday’s event at Saigon Saigon Bar, as well as for a live auction and raffle which will take place at the New Zealand Wine and Food Festival next Saturday. All proceeds from such auctions and raffles will go towards helping the people of Christchurch rebuild their lives and their city. The person to contact with any items to be donated for the auctions and the raffles is John Gardner, the General Manager of the Caravelle Hotel (ph 38234999; who is acting as the prize coordinator. I would encourage each and every one of you to source at least one item and donate it for the auctions/raffles. Any items will be gratefully received.

    We are also working out logistics with respect to accepting pledges and major donations, and will revert to you further on that initiative next week.

    We very much look forward to seeing you at Saigon Saigon Bar at the Caravelle Hotel at 630pm next Thursday, 3 March to support our first fundraising event for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. Please remember to bring lots of cash!

    Many thanks for your support.

    Kia kaha,
    Warrick Cleine
    New Zealand Chamber Of Commerce Vietnam

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    Saigon President Update

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 26, 2011

    Port side: "Jim Beam". Starboard side: "Swannies". Giddy up!!

    Derrin Limbrick gives us the update.

    Another great training session last week and it was even better to see some faces, who have been promising to come along, finally get down to training. We are creating some great momentum at the moment so let’s make sure we keep it up and don’t let it go to waste.

    Plus there is every chance that we will be able to make Phil drink Jim Beam again at the Tavern afterwards. We do love our sponsor!

    Remember, please try and get to RMIT ready to start at 2 30 pm. The club will provide water and a beer afterwards.

    Fundraiser – Christchurch Earthquake

    The Christchuch Earthquake

    I have just been advised that a fund-raiser will be held at the , Caravelle Hotel, next Thursday 3rd March from 6.30 to 8.30 to help raise money for the devastating earthquake that has damaged or destroyed much of Christchurch.

    In addition a second raffle ticket sale will be held at the NZ wine and food day on Saturday week 5th March. We have been asked to support this event by distributing this message to our members and mailing list. I also know that they are looking for any prizes that can be donated for raffles and auction items. If you do have something then please get back to me and let me know asap. Please mark this in your diary and do what you can to attend and show your support.

    Trip to Nha Trang – North South Match 19th March, cancelled

    Due to an issue with flights and also numbers, we have decided to cancel the Nha Trang Trip. We will instead be looking to stage a full pitch inter club practice match at RMIT as preparation for the ANZAC match. More news to come.

    ANZAC Friendship Match – Vung Tau 23rd – 25th April

    For those who are yet to confirm their accommodation for the ANZAC weekend, please do so by this weekend at the latest. We need to confirm the rooms, otherwise we will lose them. So if you don’t get in now you will miss out on the deal the Club has been offered, and you will have to make your own arrangements.

    Swing to Swim Charity Golf Day, Montgomerie Links, Hoi An, 14 May

    The Swing to Swim Charity Golf Day will be held at Montgomerie Links

    In Vietnam, more children die from drowning than road accidents. The Vietnam Swans believe this is a fitting cause for us to support and accordingly, we have begun working closely with the Hoi An Children’s Swimming Program. Last year, , Hoi An, approached the Vietnam Swans with a view to holding their No. 1 Charity Golf Day with us to support the swimming. Separately, the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia (RLSAA) will hold a global conference in Danang regarding drowning prevention from 10-13 May.

    So, our golf day for swimming initiatives will be held the following day on 14 May.

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    Aussie Rules training for KOTO Sports Program

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 25, 2011

    Another KOTO Klassic Footy Moment

    David Hadley tells us about taking the KOTO Kids for an Aussie Rules training session.

    The Vietnam Swans put on a clinic for the trainees last weekend, teaching them basic AFL skills and tactics.  The Swans have conducted multiple training sessions for Koto, but for a lot of the trainees this was their first look at AFL.  Koto Saigon has three current classes of trainees with the third starting quite recently.  Most of the trainees who participated on Saturday were a mixture of the third and second classes.  David Hadley and Damien Judd represented the Swans.

    Cameron Hancock, Welfare Manager of Koto Saigon, gave the Swannies more background into the weekly sports sessions that he arranges for the trainees.  Each week the trainees all arrive at RMIT, most riding their bicycles from their boardings in District 7, both of which are arranged for by Koto.  Once assembled, they get to choose which sport they want to participate in that week.  On Saturday they played AFL, tennis and Frisbee.

    After showing the trainees the basics, a game was played to put together all the skills the students learnt.  The game was of a high quality with some very interesting goals scored.  Damien discussed the clinic afterwards:

    “The enthusiasm of the trainees is overwhelming.  They are very keen to learn new skills and are fast to pick up a sport they have never seen or heard of before.  They all have big smiles on their faces and clap, cheer and have a great time.  I really enjoy their energy and hanging out with them.

    The next clinic is scheduled during March.  If any Swannies are interested in coming down for a fun Saturday morning, please contact .

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    Vietnam Swans send condolences to NZ

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 23, 2011

    Scenes from yesterday's earthquake in Christchurch.

    Following yesterday’s devastating earthquake in Christchurch, the Vietnam Swans National President today wrote to Vietnam’s New Zealand Ambassador, Heather Riddell and New Zealand Consul General, Graham Sims in Vietnam to send our condolences.

    Dear Heather and Graham

    It is with great sadness that the Vietnam Swans Australian Rules Football Club has learned of the terrible tragedy that has struck Christchurch.

    Given the very close relationship that exists between the New Zealand and Australian communities, it is not surprising that a growing number of people associated with our Club are finding themselves directly affected by the earthquake.

    On behalf of the National Committee, and all our members, friends and associates, I would like to convey the Vietnam Swans’ deepest sympathies and condolences to the people of New Zealand.

    This morning, (New Zealand Prime Minister) John Key told the people of Christchurch and New Zealand, “The world is with you … they are putting their shoulder to your wheel.”

    If a fundraiser is being organised in Hanoi and/or HCMC, the Vietnam Swans would be very pleased to actively promote it through our network.

    John Key also said, “Christchurch, this is not your test, this is New Zealand’s test.” Rest assured, it is also a test that is being shared by a much wider community.

    Yours sincerely

    Phil Johns

    The New Zealand Ambassador later replied:

    Dear Phil

    I don’t think anyone can yet come to terms with the enormity of what has happened and I would like to thank you and the Vietnam Swans so much for your words of sympathy and solidarity.

    We appreciate very much your sentiments and offer of future support.

    With kind regards


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    Swannies to wear armbands for Joe’s Mum

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 22, 2011

    Farewell to Joe Russo's mum

    Earlier this month, Joe Russo’s mother died back in Australia, aged 86.

    Joe’s wife, Maria, and son (and the Swannie’s 2010 Rising Star), Nick, had not long left the family home when she suffered a stroke in her sleep.

    Mrs Russo is also survived by her very healthy husband of no less than 63 years.

    As previously planned, Joe and the family had already commenced the move back to Perth. Joe will be the last to leave Hanoi next week.

    The Vietnam Swans send our deepest condolences to Joe, Maria, Nick and the rest of the family. We will be honoured to wear black armbands as a tribute to Mrs Russo at our next match.

    Footnote: The Vietnam Swans are also very saddened to learn of today’s devastating earthquake in Christchurch which has been described as .

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    200,000 hits on Swannies website

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 21, 2011

    Two MCG crowds have just checked the Swannies Website.

    Can you imagine the combined crowd of two AFL Grand Finals at the MCG? That would be 200,000 people.

    Well, today, the Vietnam Swans website recorded its 200,000th hit. So, you could say that we’ve been visited by two discerning AFL Grand Final crowds.

    Our 150,000 hit was recorded eight months ago in June of last year.

    Go you Swannies!

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    Swannies National Update

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 20, 2011

    Read all about the Swannies!

    National President, Phil Johns, gives us the National Update. As always, there’s plenty going on.

    Dear Swannies, Sponsors and Supporters

    • Swannies
    • $36,116.06 raised for Queensland Floods Appeal
    • Sponsors Dinner, Thursday 24 February, Saigon
    • Hoi An Swimming Program – Brochure attached
    • New Sponsor – , Vung Tau
    • Sponsor offers $200 Australian Tax Returns
    • Swannies’ website to record its 200,000th hit
    • And finally…

    Swannies 2011 AFL Footy Tipping Competitions

    Josh Little has organised the Vietnam Swans AFL footy tipping competition for 2011 – as well as Supercoach 2011.

    You do not need to pay to play but if you want a chance to win the big bucks, the entry fee is 250,000VND or AUD13 direct debit for remote Swannies. To be eligible for the prize money, you must have paid prior to Round 2.

    Please visit our now. The password is “hoot”.

    For details on Supercoach 2011, click here for full details.

    $36,116.06 raised for Queensland Floods Appeal

    Further to my email of 31 January, we received an additional AUD1,100 for the Swannies/Auscham/Jaspas/VINO/Commonwealth Bank/Ulyesses Club Queensland fundraiser which took the grand total to AUD36,116.06. The Commonwealth Bank has already remitted to the Queensland Premier’s Appeal, fee free, $21,116.06. The remaining $15,000 is being remitted separately by the Boomerang Restaurant and Meinhardt Engineering.

    After work on Friday 25 February, the Social Club at the Australian Embassy in Hanoi will also hold a fund raiser at Matilda’s (located in the Embassy’s grounds). To gain entry to the Australian Embassy, you must bring photo identification.

    Sponsors’ Dinner – Thursday 24th February, Saigon

    Jaspas for a Sponsors Dinner on Thursday

    On Thursday evening, the Saigon Committee shall host a dinner for our Sponsors at Jaspas Restaurant in Hai Ba Trung Street. The purpose of the dinner is to discuss and brainstorm two major events coming up for the Swannies:

    • The ANZAC Friendship Weekend on 23-25 April (click here for more information).
    • The Swing to Swim Charity Golf Day at , Hoi An, on 14 May (click here for more information).

    These two events are already generating considerable and escalating interest. By working so closely with our sponsors, we will ensure that the interest is justified.

    Hoi An Swimming Program – Brochure attached

    Brochure for Hoi An Swimming Program

    As you will be aware, the Vietnam Swans are very pleased to be a supporter of the Tribob Hoi An Swimming Program. With the support of Knight Frank, we have just completed the attached

    Hard copies will be printed this week for distribution.

    New Sponsor – , Vung Tau

    The new look Tommy's Bar

    Last week, in Vung Tau confirmed that it will be a sponsor of the Vietnam Swans in 2011. Publicans, Glenn and Trang (see picture below) have already filled up the Sports Bar with Swannies and Asian Footy memorabilia. And now, as of two days ago, two giant Swannies logos adorn the doorway to the Sports Bar (see photo below). It looks fantastic. So, if you’re in Vung Tau, make sure you get to Tommy’s at 3 Ba Cu Street and check out all the memorabilia. It’s a hoot!

    Sponsor offers $200 Australian Tax Returns

    Odyssey Resources

    Swannies Sponsor, Odyssey Resources is an Australian owned, Australian registered tax agent based in Saigon. In Australia, Odyssey is the recognised Australian owned market leader in the provision of back office tax work to hundreds of Australian accounting firms. Each year, the staff at Odyssey complete thousands of Australian tax returns. Their staff are competent and experienced in all areas of Australian tax work – individual tax returns, self managed superannuation fund returns, trust and company returns.

    If you would like to discuss the lodgement of your 2010 Australian tax return (or are a few years behind!) contact or David Carter. As a guide, starting price is Aus$200 for a standard Australian personal income tax return.

    Swannies website to record its 200,000th hit

    On Tuesday, or possibly even tomorrow, the Swannies website will record its 200,000th hit. That’s the equivalent of two Grand Final crowds at the MCG. The website records nearly 200 hits per day.

    And finally…

    If you’re not honkin’ yer probably not breathin’.


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    Tommy’s Swannies. For sure!

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 20, 2011

    Tommy's Swannies, Vung Tau. What a hoot!

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get much bigger, it has! Restaurant and Bar in Vung Tau – and new sponsor of the Swannies – has just had the painters in. And what a job they have done.

    Now adorning the entrance to the Sports Bar is a couple of Swannies logos.

    Whichever way you look at it, it’s a hoot.

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    Swannies to farewell Joe Russo tonight, Hanoi

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 19, 2011

    Swannies on West Lake - just around the corner from Joe's farewell at Le Pub this afternoon

    Joe Russo, a tru blu Swannie, and father of Nick, who played in last year’s Asian Champs in Shanghai, is about to return to Australia. Accordingly, this afternoon in Hanoi, the Swannies will give him a very fitting farewell.

    Dan Kindness sends out the following invitation:

    The Sheriff (our Hanoi Fines Master), who is currently painting walls in the Embassy, has had a brilliant idea of catching up at on Xuan Dieu at 4pm, today, to bid a fond farewell to Mr Joe Russo.  As you all know, Joe’s family returned to Australia in January, but Joe remained behind to finish a bit of business.

    Unfortunately, the time has now come for Joe to head home to Perth where he can give up supporting the Eagles and start supporting a real team like the Hawks or Fremantle (the second option is a joke, because we know a real Eagles supporter would never go for the Dockers).

    So come along down to Le Pub where the footy will also be on TV. We will get to see Greater Western Sydney and the Gold Coast Sun in action.

    That stuff just sells itself. See you at Le Pub!

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    Josh sets the tone for 2011 Footy Tips Comp

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 18, 2011

    Do you think Glenn would ever tell us a secret? Like, what's the password for the Swannies tipping comp??

    Swannies Super Coach, Josh Little tells us all about this year’s AFL Tipping Comp. From all accounts, it has all the signs of being a hoot of a tipping season.

    Dear All,

    It’s that time of year again… Footy tipping is open and waiting for participants!

    This year will follow the same structure as last year with 250,000VND for entry or $13AU direct debit for remote Swannies.

    Entry fee is optional for people who just enjoy tipping – but you’re unable to take home the big prize.

    REMEMBER, YOU NEED TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! The winner will be the person with the highest score who is paid up for the year. This year, winner takes all!

    Anyone who enters after Round 2 is ineligible to win prizes, otherwise people might only pay when they look like winning and we can’t have that happening!

    Please visit our now.

    The password is: hoot

    Password was chosen because the Swans footy tipping will be a HOOT this year. Won’t it, Glenn?

    Register now and starting honking your horn!

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    ESPN reports on the AFL in the USA

    Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 16, 2011

    ESPN Sports does a two part segment on the AFL in the USA

    ESPN Sports has just run a video on footy in the USA – and what the AFL is doing to try and recruit players from there.

    The video begins with the New York Magpies and looks at why players from Australia and the US are attracted to the Club and the sport. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of similarities with the Vietnam Swans.

    Part 2 focuses on the AFL’s push to recruit players from the US to play back in Australia. The video says that after College football, if the player doesn’t make it into the NFL – which is most of them – that’s basically the end of their interest in active sport. The AFL believes this offers a huge opportunity. Offering in excess of AUD250,000 for a US athlete?? It must tempt a few of them.

    The video also interviews David Matthews and Tony Woods from the AFL’s Department of International Development. Both were in Shanghai last year for the Asian Champs and know the Swannies very well.

    To see the video, .

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