ESPN reports on the AFL in the USA
Posted by Vietnam Swans on February 16, 2011
ESPN Sports does a two part segment on the AFL in the USA
ESPN Sports has just run a video on footy in the USA – and what the AFL is doing to try and recruit players from there.
The video begins with the New York Magpies and looks at why players from Australia and the US are attracted to the Club and the sport. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of similarities with the Vietnam Swans.
Part 2 focuses on the AFL’s push to recruit players from the US to play back in Australia. The video says that after College football, if the player doesn’t make it into the NFL – which is most of them – that’s basically the end of their interest in active sport. The AFL believes this offers a huge opportunity. Offering in excess of AUD250,000 for a US athlete?? It must tempt a few of them.
The video also interviews David Matthews and Tony Woods from the AFL’s Department of International Development. Both were in Shanghai last year for the Asian Champs and know the Swannies very well.
To see the video, .
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