Vietnam Swans

Australian Rules Football In Vietnam!

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    AFL Asia - Asian Footy's umbrella organisation.










Archive for June, 2011

A “mega squared” update from the National Prez

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 30, 2011

Club News

The National Prez, Phil Johns, gives a “mega squared” national update below.

Dear Swannies, Sannies and Supporters

  • 12th Annual Asian Championships, Bangkok, 13 August
  • AFL Coverage on Australia Network under threat
  • Free golf at Montgomerie Links, Hoi An!
  • Hoo Roo to Visa and Winkie who are UK bound; and the HK bound Westwoods
  • Rest in Peace to Ailsa’s sister, Val
  • And finally…

12th Annual Asian Championships, Bangkok, 13 August

Just six weeks from this coming Saturday, the Vietnam Swans will make our 5th appearance at the Annual Asian Championships. The Champs will be held in Bangkok on 13 August. The organisers, the Thailand Tigers, have just released the prospectus – a copy of which is attached below as a pdf file.

Key points from the prospectus are:

  • there will be no seeding
  • there will be a draw that randomly allocates four preliminary matches for each of the competing eleven teams
  • The top four teams will then play in the semi finals and from there, the two winners will play off in the Grand Final
  • Team squads for each match will be capped at 22 players – 14 on the field and 8 on the bench.
  • Ring ins are not allowed (a “ring in” is a “player brought into a team from outside of the club, purely to help a team’s chances in the Asian Champs. The responsibility is on each team (to police)”).

The Thailand Tigers last hosted the Asian Championships back in 2007 – the year that the Swannies made our Champs debut. The Champs was also the occasion that saw the Hanoi Swans undergo a transformation into the country’s first and only national Aussie Rules team, the Vietnam Swans.

The Tigers put on a sensational Champs back then and this year will be no exception. The Champs, the Kanchanaburi ANZAC Match… The Tigers know how to organise the big events.

Compared with 2007, the Swannies are expecting to achieve considerably more success on the field. Expect to hear plenty more from the coaches on this matter and the warm up “Heritage Round Match” in Hanoi on 23 July between Hanoi and Saigon.

As most of us start to ramp it up, it’s reassuring to know that our show-pony players/teachers are currently enjoying their well-earned holidays in exotic parts of the world including South America and the subcontinent. However, last night the guilts caught up with Nat “All Asian” Payne who defensively emailed to advise that we could expect a photograph of him jogging past the Taj Mahal in his Swannies top… So far, just the words have come through. Perhaps the photo will come through in the future. (Footnote: apparently Steph has a few photos of Nat sprinting to the toilet – but without the all important Swannies top.)

AFL Coverage on Australia Network under threat

As you may be aware, there has been no coverage of NRL on the Australia Network this year. AFL matches potentially face a similar fate after August this year when new parameters set by the Department of Foreign Affairs come into effect as to what is most appropriate for the “intended target audience”.

Last week, Australia Business Asia, which comprises the 16 regional Australian Chambers of Commerce and Business Councils, made a submission to the Australian Government that was co-signed by each of the Chambers/Councils. It requested that the Australia Network continue to televise Australian sports including the AFL. The Vietnam Swans then forwarded the letter to the AFL and suggested that it also make representations to Canberra if it hadn’t done so already. The AFL replied that it was acutely aware of the issue and was doing all it could to convince the government of the merits of continuing the coverage.

The Asian football clubs are now on the verge of also co-signing a similar submission. Tomorrow, the Vietnam Swans shall forwarded the joint submission to the Minister for Communications (in the last couple of days, the Government has decided that the Minister for Communications should make the decision).

The Chinese word for “crisis” comprises two Chinese characters: one means “danger” and the other means “opportunity”. I believe this episode has created an opportunity. How extraordinary it is that an issue like the televising of the AFL into Asia has galvanised Australian opinion and action across the region! The business chambers are speaking with one voice. Asian footy is speaking with one voice. The AFL is being responsive. We’re all referring to each other’s arguments and in the process, the areas of overlap between our respective organisations has become very visible. That then opens up the possibility of working more closely together in more areas for mutual benefit. Organisational links are strengthening which is critical in a region where there is a high turnover of individuals.

How good is Australia’s Signature Sport??

Free golf at Montgomerie Links, Hoi An!!

Would you like a free game of golf at the amazing Montgomerie Links, Hoi An? And Hoi An – what an incredible place to spend a weekend! What an amazing gesture by Kyle Hackenberg and Montgomerie Links…

At the 2010 Vietnam Swans AFL Grand Final Party in Saigon, Kyle put in a winning silent bid at an auction for 50 rounds of golf at Montgomerie Links. The 50 rounds, valued at approx $100 per round, must be used up on the same day.

A date is still to be set but if you would like to express your interest in playing a round, please email me with your details. Also, include the names of some friends in case there are still some vacancies. Kyle will then determine a date and hopefully you will be able to join.

Please note that lodging an expression of interest does not guarantee that you will be able to play. Criteria will be based upon the number of people wanting to play, when registrations of interest were submitted, the proposed date etc.

Hoo Roo to Visa and Winkie who are UK bound; and the Westwoods who are HK bound

In Saigon, we say hoo roo to Visa, Winkie and family. We wish you all the best over there in the UK. You will be missed back here in Vietnam.

Visa, a photo opportunity: Big Ben in a Swannies jumper? I’d like to see that.

To the Westwoods heading from Hanoi to Honk On (Hong Kong, really), we hope it goes really well for you guys and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Rest in Peace to Ailsa’s sister, Val.

Ron and Ailsa Vernon came to our ANZAC Friendship Match this year. For Ron, it was an especially emotional time as he had been in Vung Tau during the War. Where we played footy that afternoon at the Vung Tau dog track was the same place that he had won a premiership nearly 35 years ago.

Last week, Ailsa’s sister Val – who also attended the ANZAC Match – died of a massive brain haemorrhage. Val will be buried later today.

The Vietnam Swans extend our deepest condolences to Ailsa, Ron, Brian and families. As a tribute to Val, the Swannies will be honoured to wear black armbands in our next match.

And finally…

This email update has just skimmed the surface of just a few of the hard hitting stories going on. To keep abreast of all the latest, including full details on the Great Australia Network Debate, log on to or Facebook.

Honk! It’s a hoot!

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Farewell to Ailsa’s sister, Val. Rest in Peace.

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 29, 2011

The sun sets over Tennant Creekl last Thursday.

Ron and Ailsa Vernon have become great friends of the Vietnam Swans in the past 12 months. Both attended this year’s 2011 ANZAC Friendship Match.

Ron, of course, is a Vietnam Veteran who played footy in Vung Tau during the War and was even a premiership player.

The other day, Ron contacted the Vietnam Swans to let us know that Ailsa’s sister, Val, died last Thursday night. Val, who had also attended the ANZAC Friendship Match with husband Brian and friend Hughie, had suffered a massive brain haemorrhage.

They were returning from a trip to Darwin where they watched the V8s. They had set up camp near Tennant Creek (north of Alice Springs) when Val unexpectedly collapsed. She was quickly flown to Alice Springs but there was nothing that could be done.

Val’s funeral will be held tomorrow, Thursday, 30 June.

To Ailsa, Ron, Brian and your families, all the Swannies are thinking of you during this especially difficult period. We trust that tomorrow’s funeral is as happy as it is sad as you celebrate the wonderful life of Val.

As a tribute to the life of Val, the Vietnam Swans shall wear black armbands at our next match.

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Prospectus for 12th Asian Champs released.

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 27, 2011

The 12th Annual Asian Champs, Bangkok, 13 August 2011.

The hosts for the 12th Annual Asian Championships, the , have just released the prospectus. The Champs will be held in Bangkok on 13 August 2011.

Key points to note in the Prospectus are that:

  • Eleven clubs will compete
  • There will be no seeding. Each team will play four random preliminary matches. The top four teams will play off in the Semi Finals and the winning two through to the Grand Final.
  • Preliminary matches will have 2×12 minute halves; Semi Finals 2 x 15 minute halves; and the Grand Final, 2 x 20 minute halves.
  • Each team will have a maximum of 22 players per squad per match comprising 14 on-field players and another 8 on the bench.
  • To qualify for the Semi Finals, a player must have played in at least 2 preliminary games. To be eligible for the Grand Final, a player must have played in at least 3 games (preliminary and/or the Semi Final).
  • Ring ins:
    “We do not want to see players brought into a team from outside of the club, purely to help a team’s chances in the Asian Champs. The responsibility is on each team, and the following could be used as a guideline:“Acceptable

    • “A former player of the club who has relocated to another country and is touring with the team.


    • “A player who has not played with the team before and is brought in for the Asian Champs specifically because of his playing ability.

    “If any team does overstep the mark in terms of ring-ins, then it’s the other 10 clubs they’ll have to answer to. Common sense and fair play is expected.”

  • Registration fee will be USD1,000 per team (for the second consecutive year, the registration fee has dropped which is very welcome news).

To read a copy of the full prospectus, click onto  the

The Thailand Tigers did an amazing job hosting the Asian Champs back in 2007 – when the Swannies made our Champs’ debut. Judging by this prospectus, 2011 will be just as good if not better.

Well done to the Tigers.

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AFL responds to Swannies re TV coverage

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 26, 2011

The AFL's Tony Woods - keen for footy to continue on the tele.

The AFL’s International Development Manager, Tony Woods has replied to the Vietnam Swans email of 23 June regarding the threat to the continued coverage of AFL matches on Australia Network. Below is Tony’s email dated 24 June.

Thank you for your email.

We are acutely aware of the proposal that is being driven out of DFAT and your sentiments echo those of many ex pat communities outside of Australia.

I was recently in Bali to attend the Bali Masters and many of the diaspora you speak of spent much of the weekend lobbying me along similar lines.

Obviously we see carriage of our games on Australia Network critical to the growth of the game in the region, but importantly also recognise the role a broadcast plays in creating opportunities for Australians on the ground to conduct consistent social, business and networking initiatives within and beyond the ex-pat community as evidenced by the Swans activity in the past 12 months.

Last year’s exhibition game in China highlighted the value of our game as a trade platform and the role it can play in connecting and promoting Australia and a big part of our culture to an International Community across a number of levels.

We are therefore in the process of lobbying the Australian Government through a variety of channels and are hopeful we can apply enough pressure to at least have DFAT reconsider its position.

In the interim, Australia Network has given us assurances they will deliver on their commitments for 2011.

I’ll keep you informed of our progress.


  • A copy of this email, together with the Vietnam Swans email was forwarded to Auscham in Vietnam. Auscham in turn forwarded them to Australia Business Asia which then forwarded them on to the 16 Australian Business Chambers and Councils across Asia.
  • The Age newspaper reports on Tuesday 28 June 2011, .
  • The Australian newspaper on Friday 24 June 2011, in an article titled , reports that a “decision on who wins the contentious contract for the running of the Australia Network is likely to be delayed six months and the decision taken by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy’s department instead of Kevin Rudd’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
  • is written by former Asian correspondent for Time Magazine and Fortune Magazine, Eric Ellis. He writes about how important it is to continue the coverage of AFL football.

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Auscham and Vietnam Swans’ Aussie BBQ, Hanoi

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 25, 2011

Auscham and Vietnam Swans Aussie BBQ

In Hanoi on Thursday 7 July 2011, the Australian Trade Commission in conjunction with Auscham and the Vietnam Swans will host:

The Inaugural Auscham & Vietnam Swans Members and Sponsors Aussie Summer BBQ.

A highlight of the evening will be the screening of the Dog Eat Dog production of Sunrise over Sea which documents the inaugural ANZAC Friendship Match in 2010. This doco was recently screened in HCMC.

The event will be held at the Australian Embassy in Hanoi from 6.30-9pm.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to

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Swannies write to AFL re TV coverage of matches

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 25, 2011

Television coverage of AFL matches on Australia Network "under the pump".

Following on from Australia Business Asia’s letter to the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade regarding the proposal to reduce the amount of coverage of AFL games on the TV, the Vietnam Swans have written to the AFL. Below the letter from National President Phil Johns dated 23 June 2011 is reproduced.

Dear David and Tony

For your information, I have attached at the bottom of this email (click here for Australia Business Asia bats for footy on the tele), a letter from Australian Business Asia which was sent to the Australian Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd two days ago. Australian Business Asia (ABA) represents 16 Chambers and Business Councils across Australia.

The ABA writes that it:

“Understands the Government will soon select a broadcaster to provide Australia’s overseas television service, the Australia Network. It has been drawn to our attention that as part of the tender parameters for the new contract, the preferred supplier will be required to reduce the amount of Australian sport broadcast. This is stated as being intended to be part of an effort to better cater to the intended target audience, which appears not to include the Australian diaspora.”

So, currently Asia receives seven AFL matches each weekend. Next year, it might not receive any AFL coverage.

Given the AFL is wanting to push into markets overseas, especially China, I would have thought that the AFL would be keen for as much TV coverage as possible.

I would like to respectfully request, if the AFL has not done so already, to consider meeting the Australian Government with the objective of having it review the parameters for the coverage of sport in 2012 and beyond.

Aussie Rules is Australia’s Signature Sport. Just as the Australian Network promotes a positive image of Australia, I think the same can be said of the Asian footy clubs because effectively, the Asian Footy clubs are Australia’s unofficial sporting and cultural embassy.

It’s true that none of us came to Asia specifically to play footy. Rather, we all came to Asia to work across corporates, government, NGOs and volunteer agencies – often in quite senior positions. From there, the local Aussie Rules Club has brought us, along with many non Australians, together. Put in reverse order, from our footy clubs, we have great reach and reasonable influence across multiple sectors in our host countries. Coverage of the AFL helps keep the passion alive.

Just a week ago in HCMC, the Austrade Commissioner in Saigon brought together the Auscham Board and its sponsors as well as the Vietnam Swans’ Committee and Sponsors to the official residence of the Australian Consulate General to recognise the good things we are doing collectively. The President of Auscham remarked that:

“The Chamber and the Swans are two institutions which underpin the Australian community in Vietnam and it is to everyone’s benefit that they continue working closely together.”

The Consulate General expressed similar sentiments.

I think that especially this year, the Vietnam Swans – which exists first and foremost because it is an active footy club – have actively promoted Australia to Vietnam and Vietnam to Australia:

  • In January $45,000 was raised for the victims of the Queensland floods
  • $100,000 was raised by the Kiwis, with the support of the Swans and Australian community for the earthquake appeal. This story received a full page of coverage in the AFL Footy Record.
  • $25,000 was raised at a golf tournament to promote swimming in Vietnam where more children die from drowning than road accidents. That golf day piggy backed a world conference on drowning prevention that was hosted by the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia who actively supported the event. One Vietnamese gentleman at the auction purchased a signed West Coast jumper because on a recent trip to Melbourne, he had been so surprised by the city’s passion for Aussie Rules.
  • Our ANZAC Day Match was played under the tag line of “Honouring lost lives; saving young lives” which was a reference to money we were raising to support swimming initiatives. Peter Harvey from Channel 9 News and the AFL Footy Record also ran stories.
  • The local press has run multiple stories on multiple subjects about the Vietnam Swans (click here for articles in the media).

The AFL wishes to promote its product abroad – and it currently receives great coverage. Soon, that may change. Aussie Rules is Australia’s Signature Sport and with the footy clubs, Australian Chambers of Commerce etc, it is being used to further develop Australia’s relationship with the different countries of Asia.

If the AFL concurs, I am sure that its voice in Canberra at this critical time would have significant influence.

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Saigon Prez Dez’s Weekly Update

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 24, 2011

Visa and Winkie will leave Vietnam for the UK with everyone's best wishes.

Dez Limbrick gives us the Saigon Weekly News.

Gents, after a huge trip to Malaysia last week, we have decided to have a rest from training this week so that you can all have the week off to recover and recharge the batteries.

Just to touch on the match last week, I was very pleased with the performance of the squad who travelled.  It was a great effort even if the score board did not necessarily reflect it at the end of the match.  I think it was certainly a lot closer than this indicated and there were some tireless performances all day due to the fact that most of our guys has to play the entire match.

Some of the highlights for me were the great tackle by Trent on their speedy midfielder who was starting to cut us up;  Nibsy kicking a goal in the first few minutes of his debut; sing my head to stop Trent Croads forearm in a marking contest;  and Scotty, who was so fired up for his last match, he decided to come down from his hotel room fully dressed including boots (right Scotty!).

I also want to congratulate Nicko who captained the team in the absence of Duksey and picked up BOG in the process.  Great stuff mate.

Enjoy the week off boys because next week it is all going to start again with three solid weeks of training before heading up to Hanoi for a North vs South Derby and then it is off to the Asian Champs in Bangkok.  Does it get any more important than that?

On a final note I would like to farewell Robert and Winkie Visentini.  Robert and Winkie have been great supporters of the Swans since they arrived in Vietnam a couple of years ago.  Rob has played in two Asian Champs and two Anzac matches to name a few.  Winkie is well known for winning at least half the raffle prizes at our Grand Final Parties.   You will both be missed and we wish you all the best in the UK.

See the rest of you next week.

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Australian Business Asia bats for the footy on the tele

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 23, 2011

Australian Business Asia bats for the footy

The televising of the Aussie Rules into South East Asia is under threat. Two days ago, Australian Business Asia, comprising the regional Australian Chambers of Commerce, made a submission to the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kevin Rudd. Its submission, which can also be found on , is reproduced below. Or, to view the original in pdf form, click onto .

Dear Minister

Australian Business Asia (ABA) is the name given to the grouping of 16 Australian Chambers of Commerce and Business Councils operating throughout Asia. ABA’s mission is to provide a collective voice for this group.

ABA understands the Government will soon select a broadcaster to provide Australia’s overseas television service, the Australia Network. It has been drawn to our attention that as part of the tender parameters for the new contract, the preferred supplier will be required to reduce the amount of Australian sport broadcast. This is stated as being intended to be part of an effort to better cater to the intended target audience, which appears not to include the Australian diaspora.

We support strongly Australia Network’s role in showcasing Australia, its interests and its values to an overseas audience. Indeed, as Australians with similar objectives of promoting Australia, the Australia Network is for us a valuable tool we employ frequently in our efforts to ensure that Australia and Australians are seen in the best possible light.

We have two primary concerns in relation to the proposed focus of the Australia Network and the consequent decisions that may have for programming.

1. First, many Australian businesses in the region leverage the programs on the Australia Network – particularly Australian sport – to engage our foreign colleagues and business contacts. We are of the view that a significant reduction in Australian sport on the Australia Network would reduce our options for engaging with local business in an environment which is promotional of Australia. In its 2005 report entitled “They still call Australia home: Inquiry into Australian expatriates” the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee found that Australian expatriates are an “underutilised resource: not only are they an asset in terms of promoting Australia and its social, economic and cultural interests; they are also ambassadors for our nation”. Since that report the forces of globalisation have only intensified, consequently magnifying even further the important role that the Australian diaspora plays in advancing Australian interests overseas.

There also appears to be a viewpoint that Australian sporting events are of no interest to the “intended target audience”. We disagree. Sport, particularly Australian Rules football, is quintessentially Australian and has always been an important aspect of Australian culture and national identity. It is important that this is not just recognised by Australia’s overseas television broadcaster, but celebrated!

2. Second, Australia Network is an important tool for the Australian Government in its efforts to win back the Australian diaspora. Australia Network provides an essential connection to Australian culture for Australian expatriates of all ages living overseas. The Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee report further recognised the need for the Australian Government to engage with the Australian diaspora, looking to increase the likelihood of return of this worldly resource to Australia.

The Australia Network provides the Government with an important tool to connect (and reconnect) the Australian diaspora with Australia. Given the sporting nature of Australians, the value of high quality Australian sports in providing this connection should not be underestimated.

It is our contention that the Government should not be de-emphasising the broadcast of Australian sport on the Australia Network. Rather, the Government should be insisting on a mix of programming that not only promotes Australia in the best possible light but also provides Australian businesses with opportunities to leverage in international markets, and which fosters a connection to current Australian society for the Australian diaspora. High profile Australian sport such as Australian Rules football and the rugby codes are essential in this regard and should feature prominently in Australia’s overseas broadcasting.

We therefore ask that you reconsider the Government’s position on Australian overseas broadcasting and programming on the Australia Network.

Yours Sincerely,

John Dick, Chairman
21 June 2011

  • AustCham Beijing
  • Australian Business Association Cambodia
  • AustCham FUjian
  • AustCham Hong Kong and Macau
  • Indonesian Australian Business Council
  • Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan
  • AustCham Korea
  • Australia New Zealand Business Association in Laos
  • Malaysia Australia Business Council
  • Australian New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, Philippines
  • AustCham Singapore
  • AustCham Shanghai
  • AustCham South China, Guangzhou
  • Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Taipei
  • Australian -Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
  • AusCham Vietnam

Cc: The Hon. Dr Craig Emerson MP, Minister for Trade
The Hon. Julie Bishop MP, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs

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Congratulations Jerry and Linda!

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 22, 2011

Having previously cradled a Sherrin, Jerry is well prepared for fatherhood.

Congratulations are now due to Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! And Linda.

The former Swannies who are now back in Washington DC, have just given birth to their first child, Elizabeth.

Many people often argue convincingly that footy is a life skill. Here, Jerry, with the experience of cradling a Sherrin footy, is now very comfortable holding his new baby.


Congratulations again to Jerry and Linda from all the Swannies.

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VTVFCF Newsletter No. 1 – June 2011

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 21, 2011

Kev McMillan with Glenn Nolan prior to the 2011 ANZAC Friendship Match, Tommy's Bar.

At the 2011 ANZAC Friendship Match, of the money raised, approximately $1,000 was donated to the Vung Tau Veterans’ and Friends’ Children’s Fund. Below is an excerpt from the VTVFCF’s first newsletter prepared by Kevin McMillan.

The VTVFCF was formed as a fundraising group of Vung Tau expats in October 2010.  Prior to that time, a certain amount of fundraising activities had been undertaken for various projects but in a somewhat uncoordinated fashion.  Under the guidance of Peter Taylor (PT) the group began to focus on specific projects and to develop something of a future direction.

The group had previously undertaken significant works of this nature at the Da Bac Kindergarten to the North West of Long Tan and the next project identified was the existing Primary School at Nui Dat – at the Western end of the old Luscombe Airstrip Runway.

Since its formation, the VTVFCF has been involved in ongoing fundraising activities, completion of the works at Da Bac and laying the groundwork for the commencement of the Nui Dat project.  In addition, another 2 schools have been identified for possible future attention.

At the inaugural meeting it was also determined that the future direction of the group should focus on the refurbishment/reconstruction of existing Primary Schools and Kindergartens within Ba Ria Vung Tau Province.

Da BAC Kindergarten

Over the past 12-18 months the Da Bac School has been transformed.  At a total cost of around 300M VND, the school has received 16 new toilets, concreted and landscaped playgrounds, the installation of a fresh water bore and tank, new security screens and more recently new fans for all the classrooms.

To read more about the Nui Dat Primary School and their fundraising activities, click onto the  .

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What a(nother) big week in Swannies football!

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 19, 2011

Read all about it!

National Prez, Phil Johns details a very busy week for the Swannies. See the full details below.

Dear Swannies, Sponsors and Supporters

  • Yesterday: Malaysian Warriors Vs Vietnam Swans, Kuala Lumpur
  • Last Thursday night – Battle of the Codes Sporting Trivia night in Hanoi for Swim Vietnam
  • Last Wednesday night in Saigon – World Premiere of the 2010 ANZAC Friendship Match Video.
  • Last Weekend – Farewell to three greats in Hanoi
  • The previous week; farewell to Dave Hadley
  • Montgomerie Links comes to HCMC
  • And finally…

Yesterday: Malaysian Warriors Vs Vietnam Swans, Kuala Lumpur

We travelled to KL from Hanoi, Saigon and Vung Tau to play the Malaysian Warriors for the Linfox Cup. Alas, with a weakened touring team of 17 players (and it’s now school holidays), the Swannies run of seven consecutive wins on the trot came to an end yesterday. While we held a slender lead at the main break, it wasn’t enough to withstand the Warriors’ strong charge in the second half.

The Malaysian Warriors stood tall against the Vietnam Swans on the weekend.

The Warriors finished the day with 12. 7. 79 to the Swannies 3. 8. 26.

The Warriors picked Nick Shiells as our best. Dezza who spent most of the match on Hawthorn Premiership player, Trent Croad, wouldn’t have been far behind.

Thanks to the Warriors for being great hosts on and off the field.

Well done to the Swannies for a spirited defense of the Linfox Cup.

Last Thursday night – Battle of the Codes Sporting Trivia night in Hanoi for Swim Vietnam

Last Thursday night in Hanoi, the Vietnam Swans and JASPAS organised a Battle of the Codes Sports Trivia night , together with the Viet Celts Gaelic Football Club and the Hanoi Dragons Rugby Club. All the proceeds were to go to Swim Vietnam.

No less than a staggering VND50million (USD2400) was raised! As Chief Organiser and Hanoi Coach, Adrian Enright said, “that’s a lot of swim training”. Eighty people attended the night. Even the Australian and British Embassies took tables.

But who won on the night? The Poms!!

Last Wednesday night in Saigon – World Premiere of the 2010 ANZAC Friendship Match Video.

Last Wednesday night at the Australian Consulate General’s Residence in Saigon, the Sponsors and Board of Auscham (Australian Chamber of Commerce) met up with the Sponsors and Committee of the Vietnam Swans for the World Premiere of a Dog Eat Dog Production of the 2010 ANZAC Friendship Match in Vung Tau. The highlights package of eight minutes was put together by Austrade Commissioner, Tony Burchill. It was a sensitive look at the 2010 ANZAC Friendship Match that was also laced with generous doses of humour.

Austrade, Auscham, the Australian Consulate and the Vietnam Swans have all worked together before but, significantly, this was the first time that each organisation was formally brought together for such a function.

As the President of Auscham, Wayne Bannon commented, “The Chamber and the Swans are two institutions which underpin the Australian community in Vietnam and it is to everyone’s benefit that they continue working closely together”. Tony Burchill remarked that the other night was a “highlight in terms of this relationship”. The Consulate General expressed similar sentiments. (When it was my turn to speak on the roof top garden, on cue, there was a clap of thunder, a bolt of lightening and then gale force winds as another Saigon storm rolled in. Quick thinking Tony ushered everyone inside as the storm intensified – but not before grabbing the mike from me.)

This night will be repeated in Hanoi on 7 July with Austrade, Auscham and the Vietnam Swans..

Willy receives a Kangas training top from the Hanoi Prez elect, C. Dan.

Last Weekend – Farewell to three greats in Hanoi: Willy, Stanno and Jamie

A week ago in Hanoi, the Club farewelled outgoing Hanoi President, Willy; outgoing Coach Stanno and gun forward, Jamie. Given the significance of the occasion, the National Committee bought an air ticket (the first ever paid by the Club) so that I could attend in my role as National President.

Willy was there for our first ever match back in 2003. As we have said previously, nobody has a bigger heart for the Club than Willy and we thank him for all his hard work over many years on and off the field. Over the past three years, Willy has been running the highly successful Auskick program at the Hanoi International School and has trained up some future footy stars from all sorts of exotic countries. We sincerely thank Willy and wish him the very best back in Melbourne where our Swannies alumni just continues to expand.

Stanno and C Dan up on stage at the Australian Embassy's Matilda's Bar

Stanno has been a great coach in Hanoi and freely acknowledged that when he plays for the Swannies, the chances of victory escalate considerably. Proving his point, he claims that he played eight matches for the Swannies – of which we won 7. Perhaps Stanno’s absence in KL yesterday was the difference? Stanno was a professional and he will be missed very much. However, given that he is moving to Cambodia, there’s every chance that we will see him again in a Cambodian Eagles top – or back in Vietnam for swimming carnivals etc with his students.

Phil Johns presents Jamie with some framed photos

Jamie was finishing High School – so we didn’t get to see as much of him on the international circuit. But he did play great games in the forward line at the Indochina Cup and in the tribute match to Craig Senger. I’ll give you the tip, he looked very, very good in a Swannies jumper!

Dave Hadley's farewell

The previous week – Farewell to Dave Hadley

The previous week we farewelled Dave Winston Hadley who was headed for a country with a climate that’s very similar to Vietnam’s – Norway! Not only was Dave a great player, he also had great passion for community work. Not only did he have the passion, he made it happen often on behalf of the Swannies – whether that was with Loreto, KOTO, visiting orphanages, organising delivery of used computers to disadvantaged children etc.

Dave, good luck in setting up the Swannies latest chapter in Norway… and with everything else.

Montgomerie Links comes to HCMC, 1 July

Articles are still appearing in golf magazines about the recent Swing to Swim Charity Golf Day which was held at Montgomerie Links in Danang.

For those of you who are interested in golf, on Friday 1 July, Montgomerie Links will officially hold the “Montgomerie Links comes to HCMC” tournament at Song Be Golf Resort.

For further details, contact Ms Thu at or 0905 515 554.

And finally…

If you’re not honkin’ this week, you’re probably having a well deserved snorin’ session.

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Malaysians beat Swannies in KL

Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 19, 2011

A keen Scotty Levin in the hotel lobby, already dressed in his footy boots.

Yesterday the Malaysian Warriors, with ex AFLer Trent Croad, scored a convincing victory over the Swannies in Kuala Lumpur.

It was a good strong first half with the scores even at the main break, but the Warriors kicked away in the second half to win the Linfox Cup 12. 7. 79 to the Swannies 3. 8. 26.

The Swannies were playing for our 8th consecutive victory but it was not to be.

The Warriors judged Nick Shiells as the Swannies best.

Congratulations to first time tourers for the Swannies: Aaron Daldy, Scotty Levin, Kyle Hackenberg, Trent Mears and Nibsy. Also congrats to C. Dan Hopkins on his first tour as Hanoi President.

Special thanks to Timmay Clements who took the lead role in organising the tour. Thanks also to Dezza as co organiser, coach, gun player etc and Matty Townsend as the irrepressible and reprehensible Fines Master.

A great weekend put on by our Malaysian hosts.

More to follow.

Tourers: Derrin Limbrick (playing coach), Nick Shiells (Acting Captain), Heath Ellis (Acting Vice Captain), Sam Conroy, Trent Mears, Dan Hopkins, Kyle Hackenberg, Scott Levin, Phil Johns, Stewart Davies, Paul Koch, Anthony Nibsy, Timmay Clements, Mark Pleiter, Aaron Daldy, Matt Townsend, Brett Jota and Ms Ha.

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