The sun sets over the Solomon Islands for Swannie, Ed Smith. R.I.P.
Posted by Vietnam Swans on August 11, 2014
The sun sets over the Solomon Islands for an amazing man, Ed Smith. R.I.P.
The Vietnam Swans have just received news that Ed Smith has died in a tragic diving accident in the Solomon Islands. Marty Sharples writes,
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but former Swannie and all round great human, Ed Smith, died on the weekend while diving in the Solomon Islands. Everyone is absolutely devastated. You could not meet a better bloke. He is survived by Kate and three beautiful kids.”
Ed was an amazing bloke: helping out new recruits on the footy field, giving his time with wife Kate, to the kids at the Warmhouse Orphanage in Hanoi to doing great things in his volunteer’s position over here.
In May 2008, he and Kate, who he was inseparable from, had returned to Tassie and had their first baby, Meg. At the time, Ed wrote, “We still love getting all of the mighty Swans emails. Sounds like the Swans are having a pretty busy year – makes me nostalgic. We had such a great time with you guys.”
Just 10 days ago, upon hearing of AFL Asia’s event in Melbourne on 17 August, Ed wrote to say that getting “Gary Buckenara (to attend) – that’s awesome”.
He then added, “We have our big meat pie comp (Expat v Best of the Solomon Island’s lads) coming up”.
The Vietnam Swans community extends its deepest thoughts and condolences to Kate, the three children, his family and friends.
As per custom, the Vietnam Swans will wear black armbands at our next match which will be the Indochina Cup next Saturday. Ed would have been very pleased that the weekend will also see the first ever Indochina All Stars team play.
Willy said
r.i.p Ed.