The final home and away game before the Asian Champs holds a lot of interest from all sorts of angles, here we take a good look at 5 key points:
The Ladies – What isn’t to love about Ladies Day??? It brings all the things we love into one place (footy, ladies, Swans)! Having Ladies at the footy adds so much to a RMIT home game. This year the Gaels will put on a gaelic curtain raiser before joining the rest of the girls for pampering, drinks and snacks. It doesn’t end at the field, due to the footy we’ll head straight to the Cow from 4pm-7:30pm for food and drinks for only 400,ooo VND per person, a great deal!

Surely the Ladies come just to see hunks like this in action?!? Or maybe it’s the wine, massages, snacks and amazing settings at RMIT. Huge day coming up!
The Grudge – The Swans held the Indochina Cup for 4 years, the pride and joy of the Swans for that time. WE now hold the Manila Cup, but still can’t wrest it back from the Tigers after 2 attempts. With a possible trip to Myanmar next year to try for a third time it isn’t looking any easier for the Swans. No doubt the Swans will be keen to assert them selves on their ICC rivals in a home clash.

The Swans will want to make up for the loss at the recent ICC to the Tigers. Both will be looking for a good hitout pre Asian Champs.
The Champs – This is the last hitout for both clubs before they head to the Asian Champs on October 17th, with a home ground advantage and the recent
The Mighty Rut – Rut is a hero of South East Asian Footy. Despite being a Tiger through and through he has single handedly bought the concept of the Indochina Bulldogs to the brink of an International Cup appearance in 2017 and no one loves that more than the Swans. He followed this up by halting a Swans resurgence midway through the ICC hit out between the Swans and Tigers when he selflessly backed into an oncoming pack, spoiled a Swans attack and in the process broke his collar bone. Courage that would put Western Bulldogs star Dale Morris to shame (AFLPA 2015 Most Courageous Player Award recipient). This single act halted the Swans momentum and ensured the Tigers kept the ICC for one more year. He’ll be in HCMC for the weekend but wont be playing as the collar bone continues to heal. He is however on track to get back on the field at the champs and take his place in the Indochina vs Rest of Asia game under the guidance of AFL legend Andrew Embley.

Rut is a champ on and off the field, he will have to watch this weekend but will be back for the Champs.
The (Minor League) Footy – there’s some other AFL getting played this weekend, the Dockers are trembling as another Brown and Yellow steamtrain heads right for them, they’ve seen this many a time, can all that rest help them get up over the back to back champs? If they dont will Swans Event Director Maz even show up to her own party at RMIT the following day? and straight after the game festivities at the Spotted cow will be bought forward to 4pm-730pm with the usual buffet and drinks for the amazing 400k price tag, this is the best deal in the world so dont miss it!
BONUS NOTE – Club legends of past and present Rowan Luke and Chris Salmon have birthdays this weekend, make sure you wish them a Happy Birthday and buy 5 Grand Final tickets, that would be the best gift they could ever want. in all seriousness these are the type of guys who keep footy happening in Nam, make sure you let them know how much we all know it!