After taking some time off to cool down the internal rivalries over the last few years, the beloved Reds vs Whites games are coming back to Saigon this June and July!
To be played as a three-game series before the home and away Cannonball Run matches against Cambodia in August, RMIT in District 7 will be home to the best bragging rights in Asia – beating your own Swannies teammates.
Playing dates have been confirmed:
Saturday 25th June, 1PM-3PM @ RMIT
Saturday 9th July, 2PM-4PM @ RMIT
Saturday 23rd July, 2PM-4PM @ RMIT
Provisional teams have been doled out by national captain Billy Crang from the current Saigon playing group, but anyone is welcome to jump on a team if they turn up on the day, even if they haven’t played before:

Key matchups and players to look out for include:
The Fiesty Vietnamese – Vinh vs Dinh Anh: Dinh Anh has showed plenty of stopping power and excellent game awareness across half back in recent scratch matches, while Vinh can never be counted out to crumb together a few goals if the opportunity arises.
The Veteran Ruckmen – Damo and JB: both players are experienced enough to dominate any area of the field, but will likely spend some of the game in the middle to get some easy clearances to their teammates. The only question is: will Damo get out of bed?
The Up-and-comers – Matty Wilts and Steven Diep: Steve has jumped on board with the Swannies since April and had a good showing in the Manila Cup in May. Matt has been bringing in his South Australian experience (don’t we have enough of that at the Swans?) to the team and has been working diligently at training. If there’s a mismatch on either of these blokes, they could be a game changer – or game breaker!
The Big G – Grant “kick it to me!” Keys: The man from the capital is rumoured to fly down for a game, whip his Saigon committee into line and make himself known on the field. Will it be a barrage of red goals, or white?
Mazzy “Max” Scanlon: The woman behind the scenes of all Swans events is now opting for a front-and-centre role this weekend by taking the whistle and showing the boys who owns the field. How many deliberate calls can she conjure up in a four-quarter game?
Round 1 of intraclub bragging and post-game drinks for game # 1 will be held at Champion Bar on Bui Vien, this Saturday afternoon from4PM.