Photos of Kainey Cup available!
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 22, 2009
Photos of the Kainey Cup between Vietnam and Jakarta
Willy has always been special. And it took a willy big and special effort to spirit some photos of the recent Kainey Cup, between the Vietnam Swans and the Jakarta Bintangs out of Hanoi in the north and into Saigon in the south where they could be published tonight.
While Hanoi’s President, Potsy, and his crew, have been every bit as secretive as North Korea’s Kim Jong il in holding onto those photos, they were no match for the street smarts of Willy.
Willy loves free speech and speaking freely. That’s why he was so determined to smuggle the photos out of the north for the world to see. Tonight, the free world acknowledges his courageous effort.
To see more photos of the Kainey Cup, click on the .
willy said
nah as we all know, crazy dan’s mrs is ever reliable and took some greaaaat shots, it just her crazy boyfriend that takes organis’n.
more photos to follow boys..
go you swannies!!