ABC Radio interviews Swannies re footy in Asia
Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 9, 2013
Mark Stennett appears from the ABC Radio studios in Southbank, Melbourne yesterday after being interviewed about Asian footy.
Yesterday, Swannie, Mark Stennett was in the ABC Radio studios in Melbourne’s Southbank.
Mark, who has been a driving force behind the establishment of the EAAFL (East Asian Australian Football League) this year, was being interviewed by Alex Robinson for a segment on the program that will look at footy in Asia.
After interviewing Mark, Alex then telephoned Swans’ National President Phil Johns in Saigon for some additional questions.
The segment will be aired in due course.
Related story: The Inaugural Asian Presidents’ Summit shall be held in Bangkok on 27 July 2013 with the aim of developing a road map for Asian footy.
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