Bali Masters – Expression of Interest
Posted by Vietnam Swans on January 30, 2015
Email received this week from club legend Kyle Hackenberg regarding the possible formation of a Swannies team at this year’s Bali Masters tournament June 5-6.
G’Day (Over 35’s) Swannies,
Kyle and his 2013 legends celebrating the spoils of victory
Over the past years; we have briefly spoken about entering a Master’s team in the Bali Masters AFL Tournament. This year would be a great opportunity to bring together Swannies Brothers / Clubmen from Vietnam, Australia and around the world to play together again wearing the famous Vietnam Swans Jumper.
So dust off the boots and start training again for the AFL Master’s (35 and over’s) tournament that will be held in Bali at the Canggu Club on Friday 5th June and Saturday 6th June in coordination with the Australian June long weekend.
If we have a lot of sincere interest; we could possibly have two or even three teams (like Singapore in 2014). We will need you to highlight if you are a “high probability” of getting yourself (and possibly your family as well) to Bali to be part of the 1st Vietnam Swans Master’s team of what could be many in the future at this popular annual event.
If possible; please may you also ask around for some club sponsorship for this Master’s tournament from your own networks in Australia, Vietnam and elsewhere. FYI – The team registration for the tournament is US$1,000. We would like a squad of 18 maximum per team to reduce the cost of registration per player.
Please may you advise your sincere interest and or firm confirmation as soon as possible so we can present this interest to the Swans National committee for official approval and support. We will also need to highlight numbers for 2015 playing kits to the committee much sooner than later.
I know I have missed many in this initial email (I do not have a past and present mailing list). As such; please may you each forward this email onto all the Swannies Brothers around the world. Apologies; if I have quoted you on this email and you are not 35 yet (you just look old!).
Thanks in advance for your attention and cooperation.
Cheers, Kyle
Kyle Hackenberg
Skype: kyle Hackenberg
Vietnam Swans Member since 201
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