Josh’s Dad reflects after a weekend with the Swannies
Posted by Vietnam Swans on August 26, 2010
Shannon, Mick, David and Josh at training a fortnight ago
Two weekends ago, David Little visited the Swannies. David is the father of Josh, who is the coach in Saigon. After returning to Australia, David wrote to Josh and reflected on his weekend with Josh and the Swannies.
Josh, thanks for the great time in Vietnam. The following comments are for you and your colleagues, I would like you to pass them on to the team.
I travelled to Vietnam wanting to make a statement of support for my son. I admire his courage and stickability at having a go in another country away from his conventional support structure.
I always knew he loved footy (how many assignments can you do at school on the Essendon Footy Club?), but I was not aware of the degree of importance the Vietnam Swans has played in his sanity and happiness in Vietnam. I am aware now.
It was an honour and a joy to meet the guys that make up the club. I loved the diverse personalities from a heavy metal, Filipino rock band support act of Tim to the passion of ‘Fabbo’ Phil with his undying energy to find ways to promote his club.
Josh has fitted into this group like a ‘hand into Matthew Lloyd’s glove’.
In particular I was rapt at how you embraced the dads. I know Michael (Shannon’s father), like me, felt a part of the group from Day 1.
It took me a good week to get over the training, but no injuries, so all is good!
Good luck with all the big challenges ahead, including the Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Grand Final Party.
I am proud to be a paid up member of this Club.
David, Josh’s dad.