Swannies train KOTO kids
Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 21, 2010
And the umpire bounces the ball at RMIT University in Saigon...
Last night, Chris Judd from Carlton won the 2010 Brownlow Medal. Frankly, the Swannies consider that to be yesterday’s news. So today, the Swannies will talk about our footy clinic held last Saturday at RMIT University in Saigon with the KOTO Kids. (know one, teach one) is a leader in vocational training for disadvantaged and street youths in Vietnam. David Hadley reports.
The Vietnam Swans were approached by KOTO to run an AFL clinic for the 2nd group of students going through the wonderful facility in District 7, HCMC.
The Swannies successfully trained the first lot of students six months ago. One week after this initial training, the Koto trainees showcased their new found skills, impressing AFL stars Gary O’Donnell and Nathan Buckley whom were in Vietnam doing a documentary. A few Koto trainees were caught on camera, taking “speckies” over Gary O’Donnell. All due to great training!
There was no shortage of Swannies putting up their hands to help out this time around. Bill Crang and Damian Judd took on the task of teaching the energetic students whom have never seen or heard of AFL before.
In groups they rode in on their bicycles, excited and intrigued to see Bill and Damo in their full Swannies outfits. They quickly picked up the basics and afterwards played a scratch match of a high quality considering it was their first time seeing the game.
Afterwards, Bill commented on the remarkable achievements of the trainees. “Within a minute, some of these trainees already could do what some people take a year to achieve”, Bill reflected. “They have courage and passion, which quickly transpires to kicking the ball correctly and marking a difficult ball. I can’t wait to train KOTO again.
Background information on : KOTO (know one, teach one) is a leader in vocational training for disadvantaged and street youths in Vietnam. Students arrive to the vocational centre (Hanoi an HCMC) to undertake cooking and food service training. The trainees get nearby housing and push bikes to ride to the training centre and around the town. The KOTO Hanoi restaurant has been open for many years and the food is spectacular. Saigon is eagerly awaiting the opening of its restaurant shortly.
The Vietnam Swans look forward to the opportunity to train the KOTO trainees again.
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