Vung Tau prepares for next weekend’s 3rd ANZAC Friendship Match
Posted by Vietnam Swans on April 15, 2012
Vung Tau gears up for next weekend's ANZAC Friendship Match.
Vung Tau is abuzz with expectation with the 3rd ANZAC Friendship Match to be played there next weekend between the Vietnam Swans and the China Reds.
Tomorrow morning, workers will install the AFL goal posts at the Petro Hotel end. This year, we have been able to push the posts another 10 metres further back thanks to Glenn Nolan, Graeme Kirk and Tim Clements who organised for some relatively serious excavation works. As for the other set of goal posts, well, they didn’t even come down after last year’s match!
With the extra length to the playing field this year, teams will now be able to play 16 on the field – two more than previously.
Tommy’s 3 Restaurant and Bar which has the Sports Bar crammed with Swannies and Asian footy memorabilia, is cranking for next weekend. Already banners have appeared street-side.
Footnote: Tomorrow, the Vietnam Swans will announce the 22man squad for the 2012 ANZAC Friendship Match.
Further information on 2012 ANZAC Friendship Match: click here.
Willy said
congrats big time to Graeme, Glenn & Timmmmay for this great engineering achievement.
actually when I come to think about it any oval in Vietnam that is bigger than a rice paddy field is unbeeeeelivaaaaaable.. and better still doesn’t have land mines or boobie traps.
the next achievement i reckon is to have the dishlickers runn’n at the same time as the footy match so you can watch ya mongrel dog win at the track & see your favourite Swannie win the contested footy!!
Go you Swannies!!