June Newsletter from the Vung Tau Orphanage
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 28, 2012
Left, Chris Doullis (VIP Cabs Australia, a Club sponsor) and Ron Vernon with the children. Right, My Huong who runs the centre.
Ron and Ailsa Vernon are great supporters of both the Vietnam Swans and the Protection for the Centre of Children in Vung Tau and the Long Hais. Money raised from the 2012 ANZAC Friendship Match was also donated to the Centre.
Below is an excerpt from their recently circulated .
It is good to be home again after a very rewarding experience in Vietnam. It is so good to see the children again and to see where the donations are being directed. The Project has so far donated almost $40,000.00 to the care of the children and provision for their futures, since we started in 2009. There are also two very needy families in the community which are assisted. These families are very grateful for your help and are doing as well as they can and much better than without the help they receive.
Despite not having a “normal” home life with biological family we really believe our children are far better off than many of the kids we see on the streets every day. Our children are loved, cared for and protected from harm in the Centre and people who visit the Centres always remark on the fact that they appear clean and well fed. There are a number of very sick children in the Centre mostly as a result of their HIV status and sadly one little boy died whilst we were there and two others have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses. It does pose the question of HIV and their life expectancy, despite their excellent medical care being provided by the Bill Clinton Foundation.
The China Reds visited the Centre and made a $750 donation during the ANZAC Friendship Weekend..
…There were generous donations made by a visiting AFL football team from China after a visit to P Centre – thanks heaps, and from the Vietnam Swans which went towards the construction and concreting of the motorbike workshop area. We have also donated substantially towards the construction of new toilets, workshop and beauty training areas.
Swannies made an equal donation from the proceeds of the Anzac Day Friendship Match to their major cause, Vietnam Swim Program. Good on you Swannies and Reds.
…My Huong was appointed Deputy Director of the Long Hai Centre which actually comes with the princely income of VND5 million per month (A$250). This is a step forward but it just means that as well as her voluntary full time role in the other Centres, she goes to Long Hai (hour and a half round trip) a couple of times a week or as required. She still also teaches English at the Language School two nights per week and all day Saturday and Sunday to make a living to keep herself and family. You can’t help but be amazed at her dedication and energy…
To read the entire newsletter, click onto .
Would you like to help? Email: Ron and Aisla: verno1@bigpond.com Phone: +61 (0) 747834109; Bendigo Bank, IA, RL & CG Vernon, BSB & A/c 633-000-114027691
Footnote: Last week, Ron and Ailsa wrote to the Vietnam Swans:
“Just looking at your calendar for the year and saw that we will be back in Vietnam for the Swannies’ AFL Grand Final Party. Do you have a venue yet or is it too early? Looking forward to catching up again.”
Ron and Ailsa, it’s absolutely locked in. It will be held at the Boomarang Bistro in D7, Saigon (and in Hanoi at Jaspas). Game on!