Training at the Embassy in Hanoi and a departing Ambassador
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 19, 2012
The Australian Embassy in Hanoi. Home of the Swannies’ Thursday night training sessions and the departing Ambassador, Allaster Cox.
Hanoi Coach, Ado Enright, gives us an update on what is happening in the north.
After a wet week last week, a few boys on the road, and our Hanoi Prez still recovering from a demolition of Europe, a few of us are in need of a bit of a run around.
Thursday training at the Oz Embassy at 6:00pm is on, and will be a quick, hard circuit followed by a game. Please drink plenty of water and have a bit of sugar before you come as the weather is getting extreme and will start to sap your energy and fluid really quickly. Please bring your ID, and towel for a swim after.
Saturday we are at Xuan La at 3:00pm. We are about four weeks off a game down south in Saigon against Cambodia so we really need to get some ball work in and make the most of these sessions. We are getting great numbers, so let’s keep this up to really make a game of it.
Also, for those joining the committee meeting tonight, we are at Jaspas and will be talking Indochina Cup and the 2012 AFL Grand Final Party.
Footnote: The Head of the Australian Embassy, Allaster Cox had a farewell breakfast in Hanoi this morning. Hanoi President, Dan Hopkins presented him with a club polo shirt. On Thursday, Allaster shall have a farewell breakfast in Saigon. For full details, click onto