Eavesdropping on Elephants
Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 27, 2009
This photo of the Lao Elephants was captured just last week
Last week, Swans veteran, Mr Willy dropped into Lao – and a training session with the Lao Elephants! Read below to find out all the intelligence. Critical reading for any self respecting coach given the Swannies will play the Elephants on 8 August in Hanoi.
“i have just returned from laos tonight and managed to sneak into an elephants train’n session. yes, once again under cover as a dodgey, slow hammie riddled swannie. actually, i guess there is noth’n under cover bout that as it pretty much sums up me footy nowadays..
“mov’n right along: the laos elephants are train’n twice a week, look pretty damn fit and like their competitive work. three of the blokes even after an internal then rode their bikes (pushies that is) some considerable distance to a watering hole. i have attached a photo for you. so the word needs to go out onto the streets, that this laos game is gonna be a ripper. at least fourteen of the boys are making the effort to travel to hanoi from the phants so it is an absolute must that all swannies, both from north and south, make their best efforts to get involved with this game!!
“as always, go you swannies!!”
Also, as always, Willy writes in his own inimitable style! The Blog just keeps lovin’ Willy’s work.
willy said
if ya love ya footy honk ya horn!!
go you swannies!!
get involved with this laos game.