Vote for your favourite Swannies logo
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 3, 2011
Is this logo out of date? Vote now!
Is the current Swannies logo out of date?
We’ve asked Gun Designer and Swannies Aficionado Ross McRae to test the waters by designing some new sample logos which are reproduced below. And we want your feedback. Now.
Which of these logos will best represent the Club in the 21st Century?
Background of the current logo
The current logo is modelled off the Sydney Swans logo (previously, we wore the Sydney Swans jumpers). It uses the Sydney Swans’ red “V” and the same Swans head. The Sydney Opera House is replaced with a yellow star symbolising the star on Vietnam’s National Flag (it’s not a solid yellow star due to sensitivities about how the National Flag can be used).
A new Club logo
The main issue with the current logo is that, at a quick glance, it looks very much like, not surprisingly, the Sydney Swans’ logo. Arguably, our logo, needs to be more distinctive reflecting the changes made to our redesigned jumper; eg the Swan now has a completely different head and black has been added as a major colour.
The “V” remains important to the design as it also stands for “Vietnam”.
What do you think? Check the choices and then vote in the poll beneath the logos.
Which is your preferred option? Vote now!
MJ said
Can we have 6 without the football, please? It looks like the Swan is laying an egg, and Swans are usually male.
Jarrod Dale said
Can Phil Johns’ head be inserted on the logo somewhere – he’s the man!!!
DT said
I like the 6 too!
Also like the idea of our name Vietnam Football Club – Swans but perhaps it could appear in smaller letters elsewhere on the jumper.
DT said
elsewhere on the logo actually
My vote is for number 6 without the egg being laid!
ron and ailsa vernon said
No 6 looks good but i would get rid of the football and put SWANS like they are in the first couple of designs
John Fitzgibbons said
Save the water bottles!
GTphase111 said
#6 without the footy would be a gooden. Don’t mind the 13 as a change.
MJ said
If we have the word “Vietnam” above the Swan in #6, do we also need the red V? Could the “laid egg” footy be moved to between the Swan’s wings aka Nos. 11 & 12, so that #6 looked like the Swan was taking a speccie?