To celebrate the Tet Lunar New Year, here’s the latest Tommy on the Tet Vietnam Swans update. Delivered to your computer laces up. Awesome.
Footy trip to Malaysia - On Thursday evening, the G Train - who loves his Weet Bix and his footy - was the E Train Express. He didn’t stop at any station and nor did he take any prisoners as he made an impassioned recruitment plea for more numbers for the upcoming tour to Malaysia. In just four weeks from today, Saturday 8 March, the Vietnam Swans will tour to Kuala Lumpur to take on the Malaysian Warriors. So far we have 15 players. A few more would be sensational.
Malaysia is speeeecial to us and some of the old timers around the Club are likely to shed a tear or two when we return. Our tour to Malaysia in 2005 was our first ever. That’s history. It’s also history that we have played Malaysia twice and been unlucky twice. Time we made our own luck and win one back!
If you can join us and haven’t already confirmed, please email Gus at . We might be able to get a special deal on Malaysia Airlines but for those in Hanoi, if you can get a cheaper Air Asia flight, book it yourselves now! We will advise re hotels shortly.
Vung Tau Training Trip - On 15 - 17 Feb, 11 people from the HCMC contingent of the Swans will go to Vung Tau for footy training, the “dish lickers” (the Saturday night dog races - where rather than the dogs chasing the rabbit, the chef with the butcher’s knife chases the dogs. Hearin’ me?) and golf. It should be an awesome weekend.
To confirm attendance, please email Clint Muzza at
Swannies star in Hanoi on Australia Day - The Hanoi boys put on a magnificent show last Saturday for Australia Day at the Melia Hotel. We were invited by Australia Education International and the Embassy to showcase Aussie Rules. Footies, banners, DVDs… it was all happening.
On a side note, the smells in the room were awesome as there was also a cooking demonstration before and after our segment for lamingtons and pavlova. Tasty. Apparently the day was a big success.
Thanks to the Swans who helped out – and a special mention to Micky J who did much of the organization.
Wayne “Bubbles” Tinlin departs - After nearly 10 years in the job of trying to make sense of Vietnam and lifting the Swans to ever greater heights, Bubbles has called it a day. He returned to Australia for good on Friday. But he has assured us he will continue to fly the flag for us back home.
So long, farewell and see you back in Oz. It was great fun for the rest of us to be a part of Wayne’s World.
Sponsorship - Drew Franklin is doing a magnificent job at hunting down sponsors for the Club. We hope to announce some good news very soon.
Footy jumpers - Ideas are still being tossed around about a new design for the Swans jumpers. We hope to announce some good news very soon. People are still adding their two cents worth on the Blog.
If you have an idea, record it!
At the beginning, middle and end of the day, it’s all good.