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Archive for September, 2010

Five minutes with the Flyer: Scotty Stacey

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 21, 2010

Dave "Flyer" Kainey

Dave Kainey (DK) is back with his “Five minutes with teh Flyer” segment. This time he speaks with veteran Hanoi Swans, key architect of the National Vietnam Swans Club and super savvy coach, Scotty Stacey. Scotty will be back in Saigon for this weekend’s Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Grand Final Party.

1. OK Scotty, working in Vietnam for the best part of 9 years, what was the nature of your work? How was the journey?

I was the country manager for a Malaysian company that had ready mixed concrete and quarry operations. DK, as with everyone who works in Vietnam the journey was full of ups and downs. I dare say however mine might have been higher up the extreme scale than most being in the construction industry. The upside was that Hanoi in the early 2000’s was definitely the place to be in SE Asia, great parties, great expat scene and the (footy) panel on a Friday night, what more could you want! Then with the development of the Swans throughout the time I was there it was an unbelievable experience.

Scotty Stacey - key role in forging the national team, the Vietnam Swans

2. Your introduction to the Hanoi Swans and Australian Rules Footy in Vietnam, what did that look like?

Sad, DK, very sad. I remember the first training the Swans had was at the Army ground we used to play cricket at; a ground you could literally count the blades of grass with the fingers on both your hands. Just before we started, you waddled out to the centre (I believe that’s the first time I met you) and announced “They’re coming!” hailing the news Thailand and Hong Kong were coming for our inaugural game as the Swannies (in 2003). Murray the little army fitness freak working in the Embassy decided to get us fit immediately. So, my first training lasted 5 minutes with me gasping on the ground like a fish out of water. Luckily I survived to go onto the next training at an even worse ground….. but that’s another story!

3. Having played such a vital role in the transformation of the Hanoi Swans into the National Vietnam Swans, and seeing its continued development after leaving Vietnam, what thoughts go through your mind after umpiring matches on the northern coast of NSW?

Footy is footy all around the world! It’s all about having a red hot go with your team mates and I still get that out of umpiring. I joined umpiring because I’m just too old and fat to run around with these boys here but I’m enjoying it immensely. At least in Australia when someone abuses you, you can understand it!

4. Scotty. Coaching. A tough gig in any league, it was indeed a challenge and one you stuck at during the expansion of the Swans becoming a national team. What are your best memories of this time? Was there a Scott Stacey classic ‘spray’ or ‘motivational words’ you could share?

Scotty's desperation inspires the Swannies during the 2007 match against the Hong Kong Dragons

Mate, I was clearly out of my league as a coach; there was no doubt about that. The moment that sticks with me the most however was when HK came to Saigon about 2 weeks after they had taken out the Asian Champs on a long weekend when we had several key players out. It was p*&&ing down with rain at the beginning of the game, we got into a pregame huddle and I told everyone that these guys had come a long way for a game of footy and the Vietnam Swans needed to take pride in the jumper and give them one. We had everything against us but Danny, DT, Fabbo, Damo, all the boys just gave it all and we came in at half time up against the Champs. We went on to just go down but it was a huge game, and let me tell you, an even bigger night!

5. A magnificent experience for some of the Vietnam Swans players during your time was tasting your wife’s cooking. How have Za and your boys Zac and Sheridan adapted to life in Australia and what are you up to these days?

We have all adapted well. The kids are loving the better sport and outdoor opportunities and I am enjoying being involved with them. They play hockey in the winter and we had our first typical summer day last weekend with a camp fire on the beach the night before with a serious jungle mountain bike ride in the morning followed by a body surf down at the beach near the surf club. We are all surf lifesavers and big time beach bums!

Scotty, a great bloke but a rabid, one-eyed Crows' supporter at '07 Champs, BKK

6. Finally mate, your take on how the Swans have developed as a major player in Asian Australian Rules Football Football, since your departure?

That ball started rolling on the top floor of Pepperoni’s in Bao Khanh St (Hanoi) many moons ago and was inevitable from then. Awesome people in the past have been involved with the Swans and when I left the team was stacked with equally awesome people that will fuel it on to a bigger and better future. Phil, a true legend of the Swans and SE Asian footy undoubtedly drives the team but the momentum of the club is huge now and I am sure the Swans will move on bigger than ever. Having said that, those Cambodian’s they played last looked a threatening superior outfit, it was the jumper I think. Carn the Crows!

[Ed's note: The Little Guy, Pacey Stacey asked if the last question could be repeated, so here goes...]

6. Finally mate, your take on how the Swans have developed as a major player in Asian Australian Rules Football Football, since your departure?

Cheeky bugger! Long Live the Swans but… Carn The Crows!

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Swannies train KOTO kids

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 21, 2010

And the umpire bounces the ball at RMIT University in Saigon...

Last night, Chris Judd from Carlton won the 2010 Brownlow Medal. Frankly, the Swannies consider that to be yesterday’s news. So today, the Swannies will talk about our footy clinic held last Saturday at RMIT University in Saigon with the KOTO Kids. (know one, teach one) is a leader in vocational training for disadvantaged and street youths in Vietnam. David Hadley reports.

The Vietnam Swans were approached by KOTO to run an AFL clinic for the 2nd group of students going through the wonderful facility in District 7, HCMC.

The  Swannies successfully trained the first lot of students six months ago.  One week after this initial training, the Koto trainees showcased their new found skills, impressing AFL stars Gary O’Donnell and Nathan Buckley whom were in Vietnam doing a documentary.  A few Koto trainees were caught on camera, taking “speckies” over Gary O’Donnell.  All due to great training!

There was no shortage of Swannies putting up their hands to help out this time around.  Bill Crang and Damian Judd took on the task of teaching the energetic students whom have never seen or heard of AFL before.

In groups they rode in on their bicycles, excited and intrigued to see Bill and Damo in their full Swannies outfits.  They quickly picked up the basics and afterwards played a scratch match of a high quality considering it was their first time seeing the game.

Afterwards, Bill commented on the remarkable achievements of the trainees.  “Within a minute, some of these trainees already could do what some people take a year to achieve”, Bill reflected.  “They have courage and passion, which quickly transpires to kicking the ball correctly and marking a difficult ball.   I can’t wait to train KOTO again.

Background information on : KOTO (know one, teach one) is a leader in vocational training for disadvantaged and street youths in Vietnam.  Students arrive to the vocational centre (Hanoi an HCMC) to undertake cooking and food service training.  The trainees get nearby housing and push bikes to ride to the training centre and around the town.  The KOTO Hanoi restaurant has been open for many years and the food is spectacular.  Saigon is eagerly awaiting the opening of its restaurant shortly.

The Vietnam Swans look forward to the opportunity to train the KOTO trainees again.

For more photos, click onto the .

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Grand Final Replay – Details to be confirmed

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 20, 2010

The AFL Grand Final Parties will be replayed next Saturday in Hanoi and Saigon. Details to be confirmed.

[27 Sept. Update] – Details for venue in Saigon currently being confirmed. Expect full details to be announced tomorrow. Hanoi is locked in for JASPAS again.

[26 Sept Update] As a result of the 2010 AFL Grand Final being drawn, there will be a replay next Saturday, 2 October, 2010. The Vietnam Swans in Hanoi and Saigon will host Grand Final Parties again.

In Hanoi, it shall be held at JASPAS again.

In Saigon, Le Cantine is unavailable and we are currently confirming another venue. Full details expected to be announced today.

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Gaelic footy takes Hanoi by storm last weekend

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 20, 2010

The Hanoi Gaelic Championships, September 2010

Hanoi President of the Vietnam Swans, Mark “Willy” Williams reports on last weekend’s Gaelic Championships in Hanoi.

Last Saturday saw the Viet Celts host the Gaelic Hanoi 1000 Tri-tournament. The main purpose was for the Viet Celt boys to get in some match practice before their Asian Champs next weekend in Hong Kong.

Two keenly contested games were played in which the Swannies won one. It was awesome to see some new and old Swannies faces including a solid game down back by Dan Lucardie. Some ‘slightly’ younger running power also played well namely in Jamie, Nick, Nathan, Sean, and Shannon, although, best on ground without doubt goes to Fergo who provided plenty of solid entertaining play.

Congrats go to Jim Kiernan the Viet Celts President for organising an outstanding afternoon of Gaelic.

For more photos, click onto the .

Ed’s note: Go the Celts next weekend – and go the Swannies next weekend at our Grand Final Parties!!

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It’s official: Pies Vs Saints at Swannies GF Parties!

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 20, 2010

It's official. Pies Vs Saints at the Swannies 2010 AFL Grand Final Party!

For full details of the Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Garnd Final Parties in Saigon and Hanoi, including details on purchasing tickets, click here.

Have you bought your ticket yet? Like at the MCG, we’re expecting a sell out. Contact .

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Grand Final Banner hangs outside La Cantine, Saigon

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 18, 2010

It's getting close! The Swannies Grand Final banner now hangs outside La Cantine On the 6 in Saigon.

Yesterday, the Swannies hung our 2010 AFL Grand Final Party banner outside our venue in Saigon, , Dong Khoi Street (on the corner of Ngo Duc Ke St – click ).

For full details of the Grand Final Parties in Saigon and Hanoi – including purchasing tickets, click here.

To see more photos of the Grand Final Banner hanging outside La Cantine, click onto the .

Special thanks to Ross McRae for his outstanding artwork for the banner.

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Pies, Cats and the horns are honkin’

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 17, 2010

Nasho Prezo, Fabbo, gives a Swannies update.

The Tavern in D7, Saigon, will be playing the Saints-Dogs match after training tomorrow

Dear Swannies, Sponsors and Supporters

Can the pace get any more frantic? You wouldn’t have thought so.


  • HCMC, 4.30pm Cafe Latin, Preliminary Final, Collingwood Vs Geelong. Trish Franklin from the Loreto Foundation will also attend with a TV crew from Channel 7. Greg Armstrong is back in town.
  • Hanoi, 4.30pm, Jaspas (home of the 2010 AFL Grand Final Party), Preliminary Final.


  • HCMC, Auskick clinic with the kids from , RMIT, Saigon
  • HCMC, Training and scratch match starts at 2pm so we can get to the 2nd Preliminary Final
  • Hanoi, 12.45, Gaelic Match against the Irish and then back to Jaspas to watch the footy.
  • Saigon Shooters take on South Bangkok (not the Thailand Tigers; this is another team) in Bangkok. The Shooters are an awesome bunch who do loads to support the Swannies. All the Swannies wish the Shooters – who are going over with two teams – the best of luck.


  • HCMC, Auskick, 8-9am, Australian International School, Thao Dien, D2

Grand Final Day – Special Guest Appearance!!!

Scotty Stacey, seen here at the 2008 Grand Final Party in Saigon, returns this year.

The Swannies in Saigon are delighted to announce that we have a super duper special guest who will fly in just to see the Grand Final with us. It is none other than the Little Guy, Super Savvy Scotty Stacey. Played in the first match back in 2003, a key architect of the national Swans team, a coach and a little bit of a shocker (only because he’s from Adelaide). It’s going to be awesome! Scott will also get up to Hanoi during his short visit. (Did I say short? Sorry Scotty!)

Keep checking the Swannies website for all the latest information on the Grand Final Parties in both cities – and see below for the list of great prizes to be raffled and auctioned.

Grand Final Recovery Day

Australia Network will replay the Grand Final at 1pm on Sunday 26 September. In Saigon, we will get to welcome the boys from Tarrawingee who were to have played a footy match against us but due to logistics issues, had to be cancelled. The Apprentice, Daniel Hogarth is an ex Swannie and it will be fantastic to catch up with him and his team mates.

Asian Champs, Shanghai, 16 October

Plans are well advanced for the 11th Annual Asian Championships to be held in Shanghai. Confirmed AFL stars at the after match function include Paul Salmon, Brian Taylor, Paul Licuria and Steve Silvagni.

To see the prospectus for the Asian Champs as well as full details of the dinner and AFL Exhibition match, check

Swannies are now coughing up the cash for this mega weekend. If you’re not coming, it’s still not too late to avoid suffering the biggest regret of your life. Just contact me and I’ll talk you through it.

At the end of the post:

When you head off to JASPAS and Cafe Latin tonight, be sure to honk yer horn. I will. And so will a few other motorists.

Bring on the honk!


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Asian Champs prospectus and Kaspersky Cup

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 17, 2010

The 2010 Asain Championships, Shanghai, 16 October.

While the talk of the town is currently the AFL Grand Final, the Organising Committee for that other major event, the 2010 Asian Champs has just released the  .

Among other things, the Prospectus details the format of the 12 team competition. There will be 4 groups of 3 teams each. The top 4 teams from last year’s Champs will head up each group. The remaining teams will be decided by a draw.

Each match will comprise two ten-minute halves and every team shall play a minimum of 4 games each. The teams will play each other in their groups (2 matches each). All teams will then go through to the placing games and finals. So, those teams that finish last in each group will then play each other for a place. Higher placed teams in the group stage will play in semi finals and then the Grand Final.

This format will ensure that all teams play against similarly skilled teams so that the final results from 1 – 12 will be as fair as it can get.

The Asian Championships Charity Dinner

The After Match Function should be a beauty with ex AFLers Paul Salmon, Brian Taylor, Paul Licuria and Steve Silvagni all in attendance. The price is $67 and gives you a three course meal.

The Kaspersky Cup

The following day, the Kaspersky Cup between the Brisbane Lions and Melbourne Demons shall be played. For full details, check out  file.

Meanwhile, the Vietnam Swans are just starting to pay up for airfares, visas, accommodation and the after match function. It’s happening. It’s coming!

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Swannies in RMIT University’s Roving EyeT magazine

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 16, 2010

David Hadley writes an update on the Vietnam Swans in RMIT University's September issue of Roving EyeT magazine

Just when you thought it couldn’t get much bigger for the Vietnam Swans, an article has appeared in RMIT University’s magazine which is distributed to their IT (hence the “EyeT”) staff in Melbourne.

Swannie, David Hadley in the article writes that there have been “many highlights since the last Vietnam Swans update, with the team succeeding very well off the ground, even if there has not been much success on the field.”

The article goes on to mention highlights such as the Nathan Buckley / Garry O’Donnell visit, the medical kit for elephants at the Lao match, the Inaugural ANZAC Friendship Match and next month’s Asian Championships in Shanghai.

To download a copy of the article, click onto

Hang on! Let’s rewind for a moment. The article claims the Vietnam Swans have not enjoyed “much success on the field” this year. The Swannies Blog would respectfully suggest that this is a big call given we have won four of our five international matches this year (Jakarta, Lao and two against Cambodia. But we did have a drubbing against Hong Kong) which gives us an 80 per cent strike rate. Obviously for RMIT’s IT staff, anything less than 100 per cent is sub optimal and, quite frankly, unacceptable! High (and controversial) standards indeed.

While we’re talking about the Swannies on field performance, let’s start talking about next month’s Asian Champs in Shanghai and take a poll. Of the Swannies four preliminary matches, how many will we win? Vote now!

The Vietnam Swans are attracting an increasing amount of attention from the media – both in Vietnam and back in Australia. To see other articles about the Swannies, click onto the Press tab.

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Proposed match with Tarrawingee cancelled

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 15, 2010

The proposed match against the Tarrawingee Bulldogs has been cancelled

The proposed footy match between the Vietnam Swans and Tarrawingee Bulldogs, originally scheduled for 19 September and then rescheduled to 2 October, has been cancelled.

Our great plans came unstuck when the saturated clouds above Victoria became unplugged. The resultant floods forced Tarrawingee’s finals to be postponed (the grounds were underwater) which, in turn, forced them to delay their trip to Vietnam.

The Tarrawingee Boys, headed up by ex Swannie, Daniel Hogarth, will now fly to Vietnam while the AFL Grand Final is being played (!!!!) on 25 September.

A number of logistics issues will prevent us playing a match which is frustrating. “However”, says Daniel, “we are hoping to catch up with a few of the mighty Vietnam Swans so we can say that we hung out with them.”

How cool is it to hang out with the Swannies? How cool will it be to hang out with the Bullies? Bring it on!

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Shirt mules, jumpers and Swannies Grand Final tickets

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 14, 2010

National Prez, Phil Johns, gives an update on shirt mules, jumpers and Swannies Grand Final tickets.

Wanted: One kick-ass mule SIN-SGN pre Grand Final

Dear Swannies and Supporters

  • Space in your case? Flying Singapore-Vietnam before the AFL Grand Final??
  • Want to order a new Swannies jumper??
  • Tickets for the Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Grand Final Parties in Hanoi and Saigon
  • Doctor, Doctor!!

Space in your case? Flying Singapore-Vietnam before the AFL Grand Final??

Swannies, we have a bundle of new club shirts that we need to get to Vietnam from Singapore in time for the AFL Grand Final Parties on 25 September. Are you travelling? Do you have some spare space in your case? Please let know asap.

Want to look as good as Miss Australia? Now you can. Order your own Vietnam Swans jumper!

Want to order a new Swannies jumper??

Want a new Vietnam Swans jumper in your preferred size with your preferred number on the back? Sounds like a nguyen-nguyen situation for everyone.

The Swannies are about to place an order for a new set of jumpers which will be delivered prior to the Asian Champs. Do you want to look as good as Miss Australia? Now you can

Email with your preferred size and number before Thursday 16 September.

Prices: Non current players, USD70. For current players with a current jumper, the price is $25 for the mandatory changeover (due to new sponsorship arrangements). Sponsors for the 2011 jumper are , , and . Awesome.

Will you be travelling between Singapore and HCMC in the lead up to the Champs? We’ll be looking for another mule to help transport the jumpers across, please.

Tickets for the Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Grand Final Parties in Hanoi and Saigon

Tickets are selling fast for the Vietnam Swans AFL Grand Final Parties in both Hanoi and Saigon. Purchasing your tickets now will guarantee your spot at either event. It will also save you 100,000VND in Saigon. In Hanoi, is offering a $5 discount if you purchase your ticket with the attached voucher and will give the Swannies a $5 credit. How good is JASPAS??

Haha. You're fine!

Doctor, Doctor!!

Patient: Doctor, Doctor!!
Doctor: What is it patient?
Patient: I have this terrible problem. I can’t stop the honkin’!
Doctor: Haha. You’re fine! In September, we’re all honkin’. It just means that we love the footy.

Ooooh! Giddy up!

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Hanoi’s 2010 AFL Grand Final Party Poster

Posted by Vietnam Swans on September 13, 2010

Hanoi's 2010 AFL Grand Final Poster

For further information  on the Vietnam Swans 2010 AFL Grand Final Parties in Hanoi and Saigon (HCMC / Ho Chi Minh City), click here.

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