Match Day Banner for the Kainey Cup
Next weekend, on Saturday 23 May 2009, the Vietnam Swans and Jakarta Bintangs will play for the Inaugural Kainey Cup.
Dave Kainey has been a significant person for both clubs. Below are emails to Dave from both clubs.
From Vietnam Swans National President:
It’s with great pleasure that, on behalf of the Vietnam Swans and the Jakarta Bintangs, I confirm that on 23 May in Hanoi, the Vietnam Swans and the Jakarta Bintangs shall play for the inaugural Kainey Cup.
I will let Tim and Matt speak specifically about Jakarta but it must be a rarity for two teams to want to name the Cup after the same guy. It’s a measure of the impact you have had on both Clubs when you lived in our respective countries and the ongoing influence you have had since “retiring” to a third country.
For the Vietnam Swans, you played a key role in getting footy off the couch and onto the ground. You also ensured that footy would continue to grow and prosper long after your departure. The fact that you still attend matches and events of the Bintangs and the Swans – most recently for us 3 weeks ago in Kanchanaburi, is testament to your ongoing commitment to our clubs and to footy in the region.
The Dave Kainey Roast. Dave enjoys a nice beer from the boot of Matty Otto at his farewell at the Barracuda Bar, Hanoi, June 2005
Flyer, it will be a great honour to play for the Kainey Cup on 23 May 2009.
Congratulations – and thanks.
From Jakarta Bintangs’ President:
Well done mate. It’s great to see one of the true gentlemen of Asian footy recognised. Thanks for all the effort you put into Junior development in Indonesia and your help with the Bintangs over the years. You will be glad to know that we have about 10,000 kids now training for footy through our development program and we will be launching “AFL Indonesia” branding in June. It is through the efforts of you and Andi in the early years that has allowed us to get to this stage.
Best wishes mate and looking forward to catching up for a beer shortly.
Dave Kainey will fly to Hanoi from Singapore for the Kainey Cup next weekend.