The Hoi An Triathlon last weekend
Last weekend the Hoi An annual triathlon was held.
Hard core Nicko was there wearing his Swannies jumper (he says everyone else there was wearing “aerodynamic crap”), Richie from the Hanoi Backpackers Hostel (who kicked the winning goal against Laos) was also there as was Micky Francis (the Swannies Pied Piper of Hanoi) and Max (devoted Swannies fan). Then, out of the dark blue ocean appeared the irrepressible iron man, Gus. Apparently Chris Robinson was also there but no one was quick enough with the cameras to catch him.
Congratulations to all of the Swannies who participated and finished.
When Nicko was asked, when coming last, why he was running along with his arms in the air acting like he had won the race, he retorted, “I had a bloody rash under my armpits”.
Apparently, seasoned hands apply vaseline before triathlons to avoid chafing.