Photos of O’Donnell / Buckley visit
Posted by Vietnam Swans on March 16, 2010
The Vietnam Swans keep a careful eye on Buckley as we let him take a drill with our young charges
The photos of the O’Donnell / Buckley footy clinic held last Sunday have started to flood in.
Jo Armstrong, David Carter and Tracy McIntyre have all very kindly forwarded photos which can be found on the .
Ross McRae has also forwarded photos which can be found .
Gary O'Donnell is the King of the KOTO Kids
Gary O'Donnell shows the kids how to pick up the footy
willy said
awesooooooooooome work vietnam swannies!!
kids, adults and fans seemed to have a hoot.
hoooooooooooooooooooonk you swannies if ya love ya footy.
ya hear’n me??
willy said
but one serious question and if ya a kid read’n this please turn away.
what’s the go with danny’s hand and gary o’donnell. no seriously, that photo is wrong..
glenn archer said
i’m still angry..
glenn archer said
then again when i come to think about it, i spent me entire career with a serious bout of white line angry..
still ya miss’n me point. i’m angry no-one invited me to aus-kick saigon style. who is hell is responsible for these shenanigans.
last i heard it was some ’silver fox’ bloke who always misses his return flights from tours of duty..
gazza ablett jnr said
and why wasn’t big bad mo joe invited to lead the kiddies around the paddock a couple of times too? one of the all time greats.
it’s just a great damn shame for the kids that’s all..
gazza ablett snr said
hey son get the hell back to train’n and stop mess’n round with that vietnam swannies blog. ‘god’ damn it!!
bloody young hooligans. never had those atari’s or whatever my jnr has his hands on nowadays. geez, back in my day i was lucky if the old man allowed me to play in the sand box. he always said something bout the cat would just try bury me head anyway..
Big Bad JOE said
Missed the show at RMIT as I was in Aus. Now I’m going to miss Laos because I’m in Saudi. . . but bring on Vungers!!!
Reminds me, I’ve got to get some goal posts made up for the dog track. Points posts may be an optional extra.
I may have gotten a jersey at the Aus-kick but even the young tackers may be too fast for me, these days. Then again, I could probably take a screamer over them without my feet leaving the ground. Not to mention that most of us could easily beat them at the after-game drinks.
Footy has always been the task that you carry out in order to better enjoy the after game party. Reading the stories regarding the up-and-coming Asian Champs, seems that component of the game is being stamped out.
Maybe my non-existent footy career may finally be over. I’ll have to have a drink, or two, and mull that over.