Big names comment on Swannies Blog
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 19, 2010
On 13 June, this blog broke the news that the Swannies Blog (is) bigger than (the) MCG. The article explained that the Blog had just attracted its 150,000th hit – making it one and a half times the size of the MCG.
Little did we know that this would unleash a string of plaudits from some of the biggest names at home and abroad. To see the original comments attached to the actual story, click here. Otherwise, the comments have been reproduced below for your convenience.
Gary Ablett
Gazza Ablett Junior
Congrats to the blog!!
Whenever I want to find anything about, say, the affordability of living in the Gold Coast region, I always rely on the Vietnam Swans blog.
Keep it up!!
Gazza Jnr
The King (Wayne Carey)
Geez, that is almost as many hits as I have had…
Wayne Carey and John Brumby congratulate the Swannies Blog
Congrats to the blog!! The only truly worthwhile news front for all the latest in the AFL Asian style.
Premier John Brumby (Victoria)
May I take this moment to congratulate the Vietnam Swans blog site.
In all my years of politics, it has only come clear to me now, how hard hitting this site is. No wonder it has been banned by many player’s wives so the guys actually spend more time with the family.
Once again, congrats blog. May you have many more B.O.G.s
Finally, one thing that Osama and Obama can agree on... When it comes to blogs, the Swannies' Blog is No. 1
Osama Bin Laden
If I had only one wish, it would be that I had as much coverage as the Vietnam Swans blog!! errr and now I come to think of it, had the good looks of Phil Johns.
President Barack Obama
I’ve seen a lot of blogs in my time. Trust me.
But never have I seen a better blog than the Swannies!!
A big congrats to it’s creators.
Yours sincerely, The Pres.
Willy said
it comes as no surprise to me whatsoever that guys like these read teh blog..
though i reckon when glenn archer or better still laura post a comment one day .. now that will be something!!
julia 'the PM' said
dear blog,
now i have become the first female PM of Aussie, i only have one final goal, to become the first female PRESIDENT of the Vietnam Swans. so whoever is currently president, watch out!!
oh, and congrats to the blog for so many hits. it is from here that i plan on launching all new policy direction for the ALP.
yours sinceerely,
Jules the PM (nice ring to it hey..)
Kev said
watch ya back who ever is president. i even over heard her say
‘now just one final hurdle.. to be PRESIDENT!’
yours sincerely,
duddy ruddy
Obama said
did someone mention PRESIDENT round here?
cause if someone thinks for one moment that i will let the PRESIDENTIAL role of the Vietnam Swans go uncontested they are mistaken..
ohhh the poooower.
Obama said
oh and i ain’t no dumb dumb.
sex change com’n on, so i will run as the first female black president elect.. beat that jules who will never aussie rules..
i’m even gett’n words of advice from gus as we speak.