Loreto’s mid 2010 newsletter
Posted by Vietnam Swans on June 23, 2010
Sister Trish Franklin, Program Coordinator for Loreto Vietnam with a child from Loreto
The has just released its . Below is an excerpt from the Program’s Coordinator, Trish Franklin.
We are delighted to be sending you our Mid-Year Review for 2010. You will read with interest of the many resourceful, consolidating, flourishing, successful and creative directions we have given and guided for the children in the care of the Loreto Program.
‘Poverty of Opportunity’ is something that I have been reflecting on over these past months. This reality means there are serious limitations for the ‘learners’ of Vietnam and this situation exposes so many denied prospects towards leading productive and satisfying lives. So often we know that without a dynamic chance to have a vibrant and lively education, many children in Vietnam can remain locked into a cycle of under-achievement and low levels of educational attainment.
The vision of LVAP treasures deeply and makes every effort to enable disadvantaged and disabled children to develop beyond this ‘Poverty of Opportunity’ because we realize that poor communities actually do have strengths and this is a huge part of the prescription for remedying problems and directing changes. Poverty can be reduced by facilitating and widening choices and options.
“Education for All” by 2015 – the United Nations Millennium Goal set in 2000 – is LVAP’s grasped vision as well.
With loving appreciation to so many, we are able to undertake our projects and to reinforce them with optimism and hope. I extend my gratitude to donors, supporters, Staff, and volunteers for your interest, concern and thoughtfulness towards our works.