Miss Australia and her National Costume
Things are really hotting up for the Miss Universe Pageant with the Grand Finale happening next Monday morning at 8am in Nha Trang.
Jerry Springer will be the host of the show to be screened live on NBC (you may remember Jerry from the Jerry Springer Show with such hard hitting episodes as Midget’s Big Problem, I’m Pegnant by a Transexual, I’m Marrying my Sister and A Cross Dresser wants My Gal).
Miss Australia, Laura Dundovic, has been absolutely magnificent for the Vietnam Swans (to see how much media coverage we’ve had, click on ). And now we can help her by voting online for her “national costume”. Yes, now!
Click onto the . Then click on the button that says, “Vote Now for the Best National Costume”. You will then be taken to a screen where you simply pick your 3 favourite national costumes.
The Blog understands that Miss Australia’s “National Costume” looks a lot like a costume and nothing like a national dress - but it dosn’t matter. One you’ve chosen Miss Australia and your other two favourites, close your eyes, imagine Miss Australia in the Vietnam Swans jumper – and click “Submit”.
Now, let’s return the favour to Miss Australia and go to the !