The Southern Dragons pick up 30,000 Gorillas.
You will recall that the S (a team in Melbourne with plenty of Vietnamese Aussies and others) sent out an SOS message to the Vietnam Swans (and many others) a couple of weeks ago asking for people to nominate their Club in the Transport Accident Commission’s competition (see Southern Dragons need Swannies help. Now!)?
Well, the Dragons kicked a mega goal and won the grand prize of $30,000!
The Dragons report that last night was a “magical night at training with the TAC turning up and handing over a massive cheque – plus cameras, BBQ and our family and friends! Yeeeooowwww!”
The TAC’s stated that:
Young male drivers who take risks on the roads are the target of the latest Transport Accident Commission (TAC) campaign, My Blood Oath.
Fronted by two of the AFL’s toughest personalities, coaching twins Brad and Chris Scott, My Blood Oath reminds young men that “Your mate’s life is in your hands” and pushes the road safety message through football clubs at all levels.
According to the TAC’s Media release yesterday, :
My Blood Oath attracted more than 40,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook, and more than 17,000 people took an oath to drive safely.
Of the 1,163 football clubs registered with AFL Victoria, 995 clubs took an oath for road safety.
The Southern Dragons, who play in Melbourne’s Southern Football League, led the metropolitan-based leader board with 1,669 oaths, and the Yarra Junction Eagles, who play in the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League (YVMDFL), led the country-based clubs with 1,616 oaths.
Interestingly, you may recall that the YVMDFL covers the towns of Kinglake and Marysville which bore the brunt of the Black Saturday bushfires in February 2009. The Vietnam Swans and Bali Geckos co hosted a Black Saturday Bushfire Match and Fundraiser (see From Vietnam, Asian footy supports bushfire victims) and donated more than $3,000 to the YVMDFL.
Congratulations to the Southern Dragons and Yarra Junction Eagles. And safe driving.
Related item of interest:
- , Herald Sun, 4 August 2011.