Will they all take their hats off to the Vietnam Swans jumper tomorrow?
Coincidentally, tomorrow, the AFL will announce the results for the ”Australia’s favourite footy jumper” competition.
Understandably, the question on every set of Vietnamese lips is, “Will the Vietnam Swans jumper win the international category?”
We’ll find out tomorrow and post the results on the Blog.
Meanwhile, Andy from Sydney has written to the Blog asking if he can purchase one of our jumpers:
I’m actually a Nth Melbourne supporter, who was born in Sydney. So the Swans are my 2nd team (just don’t mention the Elimination Final a fortnight ago eh? Haha) but I could never bring myself to wear anything Sydney Swans. It just felt and looked all wrong.
But with the Vietnam Swans jumper, I can support the Swans with the pride of remembering my fantastic yet brief time (back) in Vietnam (in 2002)!
Great story. Great jumper. The Vietnam Swans will very happily sell Andy a jumper for just USD65.