Photos of Swans Vs ANZAC
Posted by hanoiswans on September 17, 2008
- The Vietnam Swans Vs HMAS ANZAC, Saigon 27 August 2008
Thanks to Fred Wissink, we have received some more photos of the Vietnam Swans Vs HMAS ANZAC clash that was held in HCMC on 27 August 2008.
We all expected that the AFL would announce the winner of Australia’s favourite footy jumper today. But, alas, apparently it’s tomorrow. Never mind. When you look at the Swannies at RMIT against the ANZACs, the jumper is an absolute winner. It looked fairly tidy when Miss Australia wore our jumper - and it doesn’t look too bad when the boys wear it either!
To see the rest of Fred’s (and Ruth’s) fantastic photos, click onto the at .