Sydney Swans donate to Christchurch fundraiser
Posted by Vietnam Swans on March 1, 2011
The Chrsitchurch fundraiser, Thursday 3 March, Saigon. Click to enlarge.
Dear friends of the Swannies
Please see a copy of the poster with details of Thursday night’s fundraiser (6.30-8.30pm Caravelle Hotel, Saigon) for the victims of last week’s earthquake in Christchurch .
Also, see below, photos of two jumpers donated by the Sydney Swans AFL Club. One jumper has been signed by Sydney’s 2011 team. The second jumper has been specially signed by Coach John Longmire and Captains Adam Goodes and Jarrad McVeigh.
Now comes the logistics of getting the jumpers from Sydney to Saigon by Thursday night where they will be auctioned…
Today, the Sydney Swans are couriering the jumpers to a hotel in Sydney. There they will be picked up and taken on a flight that will arrive here in Saigon tomorrow evening – with 24 hours to spare!
The jumper signed by the Sydney Swans' Coach (John Longmire) and two Captains (Adam Goodes and Jarrad McVeigh)
Beginning with the Sydney Swans, there’s a string of people to thank for making this happen. It’s a great example of people coming together, from Australia to Vietnam to New Zealand, to show their support for this important cause.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night at the Christchurch Earthquake Fund Raiser organised by the NZ Chamber of Commerce.
BTW, how good would it be to put in the winning bid for a Sydney Swans jumper, at an auction in Saigon, to help the victims of the earthquake in Christchurch?
The Vietnam Swans
UPDATE: We have just received word from the Kiwi Chamber of Commerce that the Australian Rugby Union has donated a Wallabies jumper signed by the 2010 team. The jumper has been collected and will travel with the Sydney Swans jumpers tomorrow to Vietnam.
Willy said
Go Sydney Swans even if I love me Kangas.
Through their generosity I’ve definitely come to realise they are more than just an AFL footy side, but a great bunch of people!!
Go you Swannies!!