Miss Vietnam 2006 (was) to toss coin
Posted by Vietnam Swans on March 26, 2009
Ms Mai Phuong Thuy, also known as Miss Vietnam 2006, was to have tossed the coin
In devastating news just received, Ms Mai Phuong Thuy, who won the Miss Vietnam pageant in 2006, has had to regretfully decline our invitation to toss the coin prior to the Bushfire Match on Saturday.
All was looking good last weekend. However, another event, sponsored by her official sponsor, requires her attendance. Therefore, regretfully, it must take priority over our Bushfire Match.
Gus loses focus with Miss Australia
Miss Vietnam assures us that she is equally devastated and hopes that she can meet with the Vietnam Swans soon.
But having glamour stalk the Swans immediately before the match may not be a good thing anyway. Take Gus, for example. He seemed to lose all focus when he met Miss Australia last year…
Big JOE and Little Lek said
Cap-TanG-us not only lost focus, with Miss Australia, he’s out of focus! Seems the camera’s auto-focus knew what the deal was.
Good luck in the match against Bali today.
Go VN Swannies!!!