Yet more of the glamours not expected at tonight's event in Hanoi
Nasho Prezo, Fabbo, sends a congratulatory message to Hanoi prior to tonight’s season’s end bash at JASPAS.
Willy has been updating me on what will be happening tonight for the Season’s Wrap Up at Jaspas: Hanoi’s B&F, Vietnam’s Rising Star, Hanoi’s Club Man of the Year, Hanoi’s Best Off Ground, presentation of jumpers to players who haven’t received them yet etc. I can feel goosebumps!
It’s going to be an absolutely sensational night and I wish I was there to be part of it. Instead, on behalf of every Swannie who isn’t in Hanoi, I’ll have to settle for emailing our best wishes and congratulations.
2010 has been a stellar year for the Swannies and some of the Hanoi Highlights for me have been:
- Flying 70 people down to Vung Tau for the Inaugural ANZAC Friendship Match and weekend. Then, Hanoi put on the family day at the Embassy to reflect upon the ANZAC weekend. The work that Dan Kindness in particular did, as well as Phil Murphy and so many others was extraordinary. We wanted to set a solid foundation for future years but what we achieved in our first year greatly exceeded expectations. Next year, Vietnam Veterans will attend who had played footy over here during the War. Two days ago, the Hong Kong Dragons emailed to confirm that they are already booking their air tickets. We, the Vietnam Swans know it’s an amazing weekend – and so do the people who weren’t even there.
- Hanoi knocking off the south for the second time in the heritage round series.
- Nick Russo playing at the Asian Champs. As the only player from Hanoi, it may have been too easy to say it was all too hard, but Nick came along (supported by the giant, Joe and Maria), kept the very proud Hanoi link alive and played brilliantly. Nick picked up votes and impressed all of his team mates. He was a champion on and off the field.
- At the Indochina Cup we had the new guys: Nick, Jamie and Adrian; the medium termers: Crazy; and the old war horses from the then Hanoi Swans first ever match in 2003, Willy, Trav and Mick (and Johnny Gowing who is now in Saigon). How good did it look seeing the new guns Jamie and Adrian join Nick in a Swannies jumper? Then we had the Vietnam Best & Fairest the following day which was a huge event. Listening to Mick Francis talk about the original Hanoi Swans and Rick Trewavas, the inspiration for our Rick Trewavas Medal was fantastic. The mega disappointment was Stanno not being able to make it because of work.
- Micky J the Hanoian, now living in Hoi An, has been pushing the swimming for Vietnamese children for a long time. This year, Hanoi and Saigon combined to jointly raise funds for the swimming lessons in Hoi An. We’ve now started it and will build upon it next year. This initiative is making a difference and has done loads for our Club’s credibility.
This year, the Club really started to take on the look and feel of a National Club. The guys from Vung Tau, Saigon, Micky J and Lucas in Hoi An and a resurgent Hanoi was exciting. If that trend can continue, Nationally, we will be so much stronger on and off the field.
Imagine if we could beat Hong Kong in Vung Tau in the ANZAC Friendship Match in front of a crowd of over a thousand people? Why can’t we?
Congratulations again to Hanoi. Have a sensational time tonight and talk about all the great things that happened during the year. Also talk about what you want to happen next year.
As the Sydney Swans currently have on their website – with a Vietnam Swans logo no less – Love your Swannies in 2011!
I’m honkin’ all around the country!
Go you Hanoian Swannies!