10-11 Sept, Vietnam International Triathlon, Hoi An
17 Sept, Auscham Circus Spectacular Ball, Saigon
1 Oct, Vietnam Swans' 2011 AFL Grand Final Parties, Hanoi & Saigon
22 Oct, Vietnam Swans Vs Guangzhou Scorpions, Saigon
For more information,
Vietnam Swans National Sponsors
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Scott said
“C” i think its time to lock it in and order
Griz said
“C” it is. Looks awesome!
“B” isn’t too bad either but I think “C” is a little to white and fluffy for me.
Can’t wait to don one (and put me down to buy mine)
Griz said
Sorry “a” is too white and fluffy.
“C” is just hard nosed swans all the way
Drew said
Southern Cross stars should be white and Vietnam star should be yellow.
Stray said
‘C’ for me (and Little Lek). Lock it in.
Put me down for a purchase of No.12.
Put in the order, put on the jersey, put down the Bali Geckos.
Ya hearin’ me?
Willy said
c is a beauty!!
it definately will improve my game 25%.
can we get a medium for simmo? he is going to look awesome in it.