Read all about it!
An update from the Vietnam Swans National President, Phil Johns
Dear Swannies
The start to 2009 has been hectic. Here are the headlines:
1. The Bushfire Bash – Vietnam Swans Vs Bali Geckos, Saigon, 28 March 2009
2. ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Hellfire Pass – Thailand Tigers Vs Vietnam Swans, 25 April
3. Other matches
4. Auskick for Juniors in Hanoi
5. Saigon and National Committees elections
6. Vietnam Swans Facebook site brings power to the people
7. The Vietnam Swans International AFL Tipping Competition – Sign up!
8. Sponsorship Drive
9. High profile farewells
10. Netball stirs in Saigon
11. Footy training on tomorrow in Hanoi and Saigon
The Detail
1. The Bushfire Bash – Vietnam Swans Vs Bali Geckos, Saigon, 28 March 2009 – 2-4pm
As originally scheduled, Vietnam will play the Bali Geckos on 28 March. However, in response to the tragic events in Australia, we will now use the event to raise money for the victims of the bushfires. In addition, as a tribute to Indonesia, the Bali Geckos and Vietnam Swans have invited the Indonesian Consul General to present the trophy to the winning team. Indonesia, of course, very generously donated money to Australia to rebuild schools destroyed in the fires. Indonesia also sent a team of police forensics to assist in the formal identification of burnt victims.
Details are still being finalized but we will raise money at the Friday night function (Café Latin) and at the game on the Saturday (RMIT University). We hope as many people as possible will come to the ground to watch the match. Specific details will be released closer to the event.
At the bottom of this page, see the article Geckos and Swans to pay tribute to victims and Indonesia at footy match which can also be seen online at http://vietnamswans.com/2009/03/04/footy-clubs-to-pay-tribute-to-indonesia-at-bushfire-bash
If you would like to donate any door prizes / items for raffle, please contact me at
2. ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Hellfire Pass, Thailand – Thailand Tigers Vs Bali Geckos, 24 – 26 April
This is the much anticipated tour of 2009. On 24 April, we will take the 3hr bus trip from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi. At 3.30am on 25 April, we will leave for the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at WWII’s infamous Hellfire Pass. In the afternoon, we will play a match against the Thailand Tigers. At least 4 ex POWs will attend the match. In the evening, we will have dinner and drinks with the Thailand Tigers on board a boat that sails down the River Kwai.
The land and accommodation package (2nts) is USD110. Price excludes airfares from Vietnam. All are extremely welcome. Apart from the players, a number of non players have already registered their interest in coming for the weekend. Deadline for non refundable payment is 12 March.
3. Other matches
- 16 May – Vietnam Swans Vs Jakarta Bintangs, Saigon
- 23 May – Vietnam Swans Vs Jakarta Bintangs, Hanoi
- 5 September – 10th Annual Asian Championships, Malaysia
- October – Indochina Cup, Bangkok
Other proposed tours include Jakarta Bintangs (Jakarta), Cambodian Kangas (Phnom Penh) and possibly the Hong Kong Dragons (Hong Kong).
4. Auskick for Juniors in Hanoi
In Hanoi, the Club is now running 2 Auskick footy clinics each week. On Fridays, Ausckick is held at the Hanoi International School and on Saturdays we’re at the UN International School.
5. Saigon, Hanoi and National Committees elections
Saigon has elected Derrin Limbrick as Saigon President. Ground was broken when our first female (Fleur) and first Pom (Larry) were elected to the Committee. In Hanoi, Potsy was re-elected as President. Elections for National Committee will be held prior to the Vietnam Vs Bali match.
6. Vietnam Swans Facebook brings power to the people
The Vietnam Swans have propelled themselves into the 21st Century by resolving to “fire up Facebook” (originally set up by Chris Canty 18 months ago. Everyone tells me Facebook is the Future with Fleur. Ms Fleur will crank up “The Vietnam Swans AFL” site.
All former and current Swannies will be able to use it as a vehicle to stay in touch with each other. The site is still very much in its infancy but that will change quickly. Sign up at
Build it and they will come.
7. The Vietnam Swans International AFL Tipping Competition
Damo is the new Tip-Star for Season 2009. He will send out an email shortly with all the latest information about the Vietnam Swans Tipping competition for the AFL season (including the entrance fee for those interested in prizes. Non-financial entrants are also very welcome but will not be eligible for any prize money).
Go to and sign up (or reactivate your account if you were in the tipping comp last year). The footy tipping competition you need to join is “vietnamswanstipping” The password is “swanstipping“.
8. Sponsorship Drive
Linfox, Loscam and Jim Beam have advised that they would like to renew their generous sponsorship of the Vietnam Swans. Linfox, Loscam and Jim Beam were the Club’s three major sponsors last year (Linfox and Loscam’s names appear on the back of our footy jumpers. Jim Beam’s logo appears on most of our Club shirts). The fact that these three companies have renewed their sponsorships gives the Club great confidence that we are delivering our sponsors fair value for their investment.
We also expect to announce a new sponsor for our footy shorts very shortly.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of our Club for the season, for a specific event, or, would just like to put your logo on vietnamswans.com (which is expected to record its 80,000th hit tomorrow), please contact me.
9. High profile farewells
The year is only a couple of months old, but already we have farewelled a couple of very high profile people.
Jim Beam’s Andy Wall. Andy was the man who gave the Swans our first ever kit jumpers back in 2003. He also toured with us for our first ever Asian Champs back in 2007. Andy gave us great sponsorship support from Jim Beam. To learn more about Andy’s contribution, see http://vietnamswans.com/2009/03/01/jim-beams-andy-wall-goes-home
Last night, Nathan Forth and Ruth returned to Australia. Nathan was one of the first to come to training in Saigon back in 2007. Each week, we were only getting 4 or 5 out to training. Now, out of our pool of players, we are consistently getting 20 each week. Nathan’s skills were silky. He was an on field leader who always led from the front. Also a great Club man. Nathan says he’s also a very strong chance to fly from Australia to Thailand for our ANZAC Day match against the Tigers…
Oooh, I’m getting goose bumps just thinking about the ANZAC tour…
10. Netball stirs in Saigon
Saigon Committee member, Fleur, is one of the driving forces behind the rise of netball in Saigon. The Swans are keen to support the netballers and have already linked them with the Hanoi Oi’s in Hanoi and a number of other teams in the region via the regional footy clubs.
11. Footy training on tomorrow in Hanoi and Saigon
Footy training is on again in both cities tomorrow (Saturday):
- Hanoi, midday at the UN International School
- Saigon, 2.30pm RMIT University
You don’t have to wait until the end of the day to realize it’s all good.